Chance and Rocky are Pembrokes living on a farm in Tennessee.
Chance is a smiley, happy-g0-lucky boy who enjoys chasing cats, kids, horses, chickens, and flies. His favorite foods are Play-Doh, chicken food, horse and chicken poo.
His favorite toys are anything he can “borrow” from the kid.

Chance is currently four year-old; these photos were taken when he was less than a year old.
At 13 years-old Rockefeller (“Rocky”) is the senior dog. In this “luau hat” picture, he’s about nine. Mom says Rocky is “often neurotic, somewhat anxious”.
Rocky likes horse poo, chicken food and anything his owner ate. He’s a big-time skin licker and any toy will do in a pinch, so long as it gets human attention and leads to a new licking session.
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Go Corgis, go! Chance and Rocky, keepin’ it Corgi down on the farm.
how cute eating Play-Doh! But Chance is a corgi and you know how food driven they are