At seven years old, senior Corgi Chloe is without a doubt the boss of the household. Human and canine alike fall under her purview, and she happily directs the show. Fortunately, she’s a complete sweetheart, utterly social and outgoing, the kind of gregarious dog for whom nobody is a stranger and everybody a potential new best friend.

Chloe enjoys her rides in the car, walks in the park, and water — but only at the beach or the sprinkler. Unlike the younger dogs, she’s not a big fan of the pool and will stay on the steps while the others swim their fool heads off in deeper waters.
Following in Chloe’s paw steps are four year-old littermates Piper and Penny. Tri-color Piper is the the quietest and most cuddly of the group.
Like Penny, she is more reserved than Chloe around strangers. Making friends is OK, but jumping right in is not her style.
(Couldn’t tell that from the smile, could you?)
Like Penny, Piper loves to hike and enjoys playing ball and frisbee. Speedy Piper gets the toy first but always gives up and lets Penny carry it back to the house when playtime is through.
Although they don’t like being left at home, Piper and Penny aren’t big fans of car rides. Unlike sister Chloe, who’s always up for a spin.
(New people to meet, new places to go!)

Sporty Penny!
Penny wondering what’s for dinner. Ahem.
Penny telling us that at least as far as this post goes, it’s
* * * *
I don’t know about you, but I am in now love with this charming trio.
oh my gosh they are all precious!!! can never get enough of these corgis; all of them no matter where they live are just the best!
Nice write up and images of these Corgi-girls.
Love your Daily Corgi blog!