We live in California with our Mom, who tells our whole story at her mycorgi.com webpage.
Me and my Pembroke “siblings” Sid (5 y.o.) and Babs (3 y.o.) share a home with three cats, seven doves and thirteen fish. We think Mom probably loves us best, but we try not to rub it in their faces.
I’m the most talkative Corgi, and at just two I’m also the youngest. (I won’t say “the cutest”, but you can judge for yourself).
This is my brother Sid. He fancies himself King of the place. I wonder if they let him believe it just to keep him happy?
My sister Babs is a real softie.
She’s BIG on belly rubs and cuddling.
Here I am relaxing with Babs; that’s Jacq the cat in the background.
Click here for a video glimpse of our domestic life … cats and dogs living together (mostly peacefullly) … note that I did NOT choose the song. The cats won out that time.
An aerial view! People love the view from the top of Corgis. What’s up with that?

We do a lot of playing … and playing … and playing … it’s hard work, you know. Click here to watch a bit of video from one of our outings to the park.
Be sure to visit Mom’s page for more, thumb through our photo albums, maybe even “friend” us at mycorgi.com! Thanks for stopping by …

We do a lot of playing … and playing … and playing … it’s hard work, you know. Click here to watch a bit of video from one of our outings to the park.
We do lots of things as a family, including trips to the doggie park, picnics and camping outings.
Although we love our Mom to bits, sometimes she asks us to do some pretty silly things. And then takes pictures of them. Yeesh. I’m mostly OK with it, but then again I am a ham for the camera.

Be sure to visit Mom’s page for more, thumb through our photo albums, maybe even “friend” us at mycorgi.com! Thanks for stopping by …
Gosh those guys are so hilarious and cute! This is too much cuteness for one sitting! I love the exit photo….corgi butts are just adorable! Anita
That last picture is so cute. It is nice to see a corgi owner who also has cats and fish.
That last photo is so cute. It's nice to know another corgi owner that also has many cats and fish.