Hailey came to live with her people — Michael, Allison, Holden and Harrison — in December of ’08, following the loss of Gena, the family’s beloved Chow mix. In no time flat, Hailey worked her Corgi magic, trailing love, kisses, smiles and sunshine.
Hailey is a real cuddler and loves to sit on laps and feet. She inspires her 12 year-old brother Harrison to practice photography, as she is — obviously — the perfect subject. This face is always saying “Cheeeese!”

Like some dogs, Hailey is a sucker for ice cubes. If she hears them tumbling out of the ice maker, she comes running!

The Jones’ cat Sparkles gets chased regularly … Hailey makes sure of it. This sweet girl adores her brothers. Lucky boys!
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Hailey looks like such a sweetheart. You are starting to make me feel like I've really missed out by not ever meeting a corgi. I don't know anyone who has one. Twyla
OMG, my dog Olivia is a pound puppy and I was told she was a Corgi x Lab mix. I never believed them because I just didn't see the Corgi in her, but Haley and Olivia are practically twins! Thank you so much for clearing this up for me.