Eight year-old Herman came to live with his family two years ago, when they adopted him from the Humane Society in Newcastle, Wyoming. He currently calls Casper, Wyoming home.

Herman had been a breeding dog but just got too old and his owner dumped him. His new family has seen him through mites, worms, skin issues, kidney and thyroid problems, high blood pressure, and pneumonia. For a while they even thought he was in heart failure. In his forever family, handsome Herman has blossomed and found his Corgi bark, which he uses often.

They’ve gone through a whole lot together, including Mom Lesley’s loss a year ago of a beloved sister, seven months pregnant with a son when she was killed by a drunk driver. “Herman has been a short-legged angel to my family and has brought us a lot of joy in this rough time” says Lesley.

“When he can sense you are sad he jumps up on your lap and refuses to move. I think if he hadn’t eaten all his chewies he would offer me one.
I think really — he rescued me.”

Herman appointed himself herder of the three cats in the household. His live-in girlfriend is a Chihuahua/Pekingese mix named Feo who bosses him around.
His biggest claim to fame was winning the bobbing for hot dog eating contest at the Corgi gathering in Casper.
His vet has nicknamed him “The Herminator”!
All hail Herman!
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Thanks for honoring Herman as the Daily Corgi. He really has been a furry angel for Lesley, especially these last 12 months since the loss of her sister.
He is a wonderful Corgi with a wonderful owner. 🙂
All hail Herman!
Thanks so much. Herman is limping today. This cheered us up!
I, too, hail Herman — and Lesley as well! They are both angels, and as a pet-lover myself, I believe in the healing power of pets. Good boy, Herman; you're the man! And, Lesley, you're very special, too; I'm glad to call you my friend!
Nice to learn more about Herman. I've just been over visiting his blog and learning some things from there and then followed him back here where I started. He is a very special boy! OC