To vote for your favorite contestant, e-mail the dog’s name and corresponding photo number to:
*** RULES ***
* One vote per e-mail address.
* Put “HALLOWEEN” in the subject line; specify the photo number, not just the dog’s name.* If there is more than one dog in the photo, please specify which dog your vote is for.* Comments on photos are allowed, but comments don’t count as votes.* * * *Hint: Click on any photo for an enlarged version to see all the faboo-barooooo detail!
Any questions, e-mail thedailycorgi@gmail.com or go to:http://thedailycorgi.blogspot.com/2009/10/2009-halloween-costume-contest.html
VOTING DEADLINE: 12:00 Midnight, Pacific Standard Time (U.S.), November 12th.Thank You for Participating!********************************************************
Photo M5: Jezabell, from Heather.
Thanks SO much for putting this contest together! I LOVE all the entries–they are just too cute. Great Job!
Wow – there are so many cute costumes! Very creative parents and very patient and sweet corgi-kids. Good luck contestants!
Oh my God, how can I choose?
Wow…this is tough!!!
Indeed, I kept laughing harder and harder, and for the life of me I can't choose just one!
they are all sooooo adorable can't pick just one cause they are all winners in my book