Sage, Elbee and Denali are three lucky Corgis whose Mom, Kathy founded

Sage just turned a year old; a Cardigan “cream/pink merle” (red dilute), he was the smallest male in his litter. He has since grown into a handsome Corgi who is now the “man” of his household.

Sage has graduated from Sirius Puppy I and II training and has the official certificates to prove it! He is now in a CGC preparation class, working toward his AKC Canine Good Citizenship test.

This doesn’t mean he’s immune to goofing off and wrestling with his sister Denali, though. The two of them are a happy pair with puppyish energy to spare.
As a “wild woman” with a true zest for life, six year-old Cardi Denali (a.k.a. “Munkey”) is more than a match for her little brother.
She loved her kiddie pool when she was a young puppy, and still thinks that playing chase games with the flying water that comes out of the garden hose is one of the best games ever.

Denali has been very generous in tolerating Sage’s avid interest in her her toys, though as Queen of the Pack, she is definitely still calling the shots.
Elbee is the “Pembroke Princess” in the household. A skittish little rescue dog, she confronted a serious illness and a serious injury in her first year of life, looking Death in the eye twice. What a valiant fighter!
(Dozing with Denali).
Her name is Little Bit (shortened to L.B., or Elbee).

Elbee has helped many young children overcome their fear of dogs with her calm, affectionate approach. Still, at the age of twelve she retains the “it’s all about me” Corgi attitude.

Elbee has helped many young children overcome their fear of dogs with her calm, affectionate approach. Still, at the age of twelve she retains the “it’s all about me” Corgi attitude.
A very special Corgi/Aussie mix named Bart first inspired Kathy to become involved with Corgi rescue. He recently passed, but there is a wonderful memorial about him at
Kenai was Kathy’s first purebred Corgi (Cardigan). Although she was show quality, Kenai was just too “gregarious” for the ring. (Translation: busy, always running, never stopping). Her legacy of high spirits lives on in the hearts of those who knew and loved her best.
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To find out more about Sage, Elbee, Denali, Kenai and Bart, visit Kathy’s Blog
To learn more about the wonderful rescue efforts of ForPaws — check out
Thanks Laurie! Nice feature!