Without a doubt, Corgis are THE most ridiculously cute puppies anywhere.

While this is obvious, is it scientifically possible to determine precisely why it’s true?

Perhaps an examination of the parts — and the sum of the parts — is in order.

I therefore present …
In the”Conga dance” formation, the distinctively long body and drumstick legs are clearly visible.
While one Corgi is good and two are great …

… three or more can melt the heart of the Queen of England herself.
Relative to the rest of the body, the paws are outsized and the legs are short.
Fully 98.9% of human test subjects showed a marked mood improvement when viewing the above picture.
Observation without bias has so far proved impossible. Everybody loves a cute bum.
Exhibit #5: Bellies
Young mammals thrive on physical closeness.
Warm, soft bellies are nature’s way of saying “Come here and gimme some lovin”. The frequent Corgi habit of sleeping on the back allows easy access to the belly.
Self-explanatory. Smiles are universal.
Do Corgis giggle?

Well, what do you think?

The end result is an oftimes uncanny resemblance between the two, in the early months of life.
In the case of Pembrokes, there is often a foxy aspect. And foxes are FOXY. Ergo …

A Corgi pup’s ears are just plain big, relative to the body. The ratio falls squarely in the upper range of the International Goof-o-Meter.
This is perfectly acceptable, even preferable.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
While some of you may have found this information redundant, to you I say pish posh … when was the last time you had your face puppy-washed?
Laurie Eno
I love that Anatomy of Corgi Puppy Cuteness. It really made me smile. Thanks, Laurie!
So cute! Yes, I think you have very scientifically covered all aspects of corgi cuteness. Thank goodness, finally someone has done it. Was your research funded by the Canine Health Foundation? ;-P Love seeing all the puppy photos.
Well, they sure brought a smile to my face! Thanks!
You are so correct, in every sense! The video was adorable!!! Such a stampede of cuteness!
That was so cute! AND TRUE!!
absolutely makes me laugh and giggle outloud! of course, my co-workers think I am nuts…which may be true…NUTS for puppy kisses and bunny butts FOR SURE!!!
Thanks so much for the puppy post… Emma is just thrilled to be on The Daily Corgi once again. How can you have a bad day if you have a Corgi in your life!
Hahhaaha this is too cute!! These pups are adorable!! I adopted Sadie when she was about a year old, so I don't know what she looked like as a pup š
I love the bunny butts more than anything tho!!! š
*SQUEAL!* So cute! If this doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will.
Thank you Laurie! I cannot imagine anyone being grumpy, hateful or mean with a Corgi around. Bunny butts rule!
LOVE this post, Laurie! xo xo Cat
Wasn't having a very good evening untill I saw this…..Thanks.
Oh my! You guys are SO adorable. It must be our ears we have in common. BOL
Benny & Lily
Love the last video at a puppies eye level…with the litter of Corgi puppies being called
AWWWWWWWW! How cute can you get! I want one right now! They do have the cutest bums and those ears, those stubby legs. Oh my goodness where is the Sunday paper with the Pet classified ads!? Thank you for a little bright spot in a difficult day!
Corgi cuteness is awesome! I'm a totally unbiased cardigan corgi "grandmummy." Our best daughter in law in the world (Adventures of Darwin) shared your corgi cuteness with us. Thank you for the warm fuzzy of the week!
Laurie, you're so right…ain't nuthin' on earth better than Corgi Cuteness – puppy-style or bigger (never taller! *chuckle*), Corgis are just bundles of total cuteness! š
You wanna see goofy? This is goofy
We love our Charlie! Hope you like the pictures!
This just made me smile because I get a dose of the corgi anatomy of cuteness every day
This just made me smile because I get a dose of the corgi anatomy of cuteness every day
Somewhat bossy? My two are the King and Queen of the Universe, and they KNOW it……
I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THEY USED A PICTURE OF OUR BABY AMBER IN THIS POST. She is the pic with her front feet propped up on the concrete step. LOOKIN GOOD CORGIBUTT!!!!
Matt in Greely, I'm so glad you told me about that pic! I've been wondering forever where it came from! That's one of the cutest Corgi pics ever.