Dave and Ranae of Auburn, WA wrote to the Daily Corgi about their beloved fur kids Willie, Christy and Jazzy.
Willie is 13 years old going on 7 and has been a “mommas boy” from the very first day. “He’s just beginning to grow up! We got him as a 2 month-old puppy and he still behaves like a dog half his age.”
Willie’s FAVORITE thing in life is toys …
… balls, rope toys, pine cones, anything he can find. Willie adores tetherball and is a pretty crack soccer player with a basketball. (He uses his nose to push and control the ball).
Last year, Dave and Ranae lost their 13 year-old Corgi girl Jazzy, who joined their family at five years-old and gave them many wonderful years of love and attention.
Because they wanted an adult dog to keep Willie company, 8 year-old Christy joined the household a short time later and filled the bill in all respects. In these pics she’s the “snow dog” with the white face, doing backyard patrol with little brother Willie.
Two of a kind.
As sometime happens, Christy had only been with Dave and Ranae for two months when she was found to have inoperable cancer. Any dog lover can understand how dreadful it is to lose two within the space of a few months.
“As you can imagine these have been some rather emotional and hard days for us.”
“We only had Christy, but were truly “owned” by her.”
“Some will say that an adopted dog will not show gratitude for being taken in and given a good home life, but I will disagree with that.”
“We had specifically looked for an older Corgi to fill in for the other one we had just lost. Adopting an older dog is so rewarding in many ways.”
As it turns out, Christy was a lover and a cuddler. Just like Jazzy.
“Older dogs can make excellent pets and show more love than you can imagine.”
“Although she liked to hide Willie’s toys, Christy would rather just love us all day. She was always ready for loving and cookies.”
Christy enjoyed running freely in the yard, often stopping to roll on her back and then tear off at full speed again.
(What a memorable Corgi!)
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Willie may soon be getting a little brother or sister. That’ll be a lucky pup, joining a family besotted by Corgis and generous with their affections.
Dave and Ranae, if you do get a new little one, please be sure to share him (or her) with The Daily Corgi!
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Biskies and four paw salutes to Jazzy, Christy and Willie!
Thanks for making the world a happier place.
Goodness, tissues please! How wonderful that Christy's family gave her a loving home for the last days of her life. For both children and animals, the older ones often get overlooked, not even considered. I adopted a baby (child, not Corgi LOL) and then adopted a nearly 7-year-old who had been passed over for years due to her age. It was the best thing I ever did, and I'll bet Christy's parents feel the same, even though they had her such a short time. I wish more people would consider adopting an older pet – or child!