#1: Although he is not a cat, he is entitled to all rights and privileges of cats, up to and including curl-up naps on the top of big mushy chairs.

What he IS is a gregarious, hammy Cardi, nearly two years old and keepin’ it Corgi outside of Philly with his people Elisa and Chris.
Boomer was a solo pup. Mom gave birth to him, and no brothers or sisters followed! That was nearly two years ago.
No doubt he’s Corgi enough for a whole litter.
Corgi Mom Elisa P. writes that “Boomie” or “Boomie Bear” enjoys talking long walks on his beach, Island Beach State Park in New Jersey. Boomer is a favorite at his grammy and grandpa’s house, and when he drops in on great-grandparents Shorty & P-Pop there are always treats for hidden for him around the house.”
At-home treats include organic carrots. In the last month alone, Boomer went through a ten pound bag! It’s his after-dinner treat, and he sits by the frig when he’s ready for it.
“A dog needs room to spread out, y’know”.
Mom Elisa M. says Boomer hogs the bed at night.
“He also loves to spend time with me when I work in my art and design studio, usually lounging around under tables or sleeping on his ultra plush dog bed.”
“Boomer can’t go a day without eating a carrot (although any veggie will do). His favorite spot is high up on the stairs overlooking the kitchen. We think he likes being taller than “people” from time to time!”
“He is a huge fan of the vacuum. Every time I take the vacuum out he runs over so I can sweep him from head to toes! I am pleased to say Boomer loves to get a bath and loves the hairdryer even more.”
It’s a busy, happy life for Boomer. But Corgi power naps are non-negogitable.
* * * * *
Anybody notice that his ears are actually larger than his head? And that this is almost too cute for words?
I thought so. It couldn’t be just me ;-).
Boomer, you are AWESOME PAW-SOME.
Welcome to The Daily Corgi!
Hey Boomer, how come I never saw your handsome ears around Philly? Where've you been hiding?
Gracie the Wonder Corgi
Roxborough, Philly, PA
Corgi of the day – 3/01/10
Y'know, I wondered whether the dogs had ever met!
Vestal,NY Ron and I loved the Boomer pictures!!
BOL…what a cute stuffie. Are you real or a wind up toy?
Benny & Lily
what a beautiful, handsome, lovable looking corgi, with what looks like plenty of mischief mixed in to boot. laureen-ct
Oh man…he's a great cardi!
Our two pems eat their veggies daily too.
They really go for the crunch.
Great pics and text~
That's my GRAND DOG! Grandma's boy loves his organic poached egg in his Solid Gold dry food. His treats are distilled ice cubes and raw freeze-dried grass-fed bison along with organic carrots. He is most comical when he tries to bark with a ball or raw hide in his mouth. I get great reception with those deep dish ears of his. He is most handsome in his royal blue raincoat. We certainly get a kick out of him. What a personality 'Mr. Boomer' has. He is LOVED. . .Grandma Linda
I thought we might hear from one of his "grands"!
He is quite a boy. Lucky you!
Still one of the most beautiful puppies we ever had. From your proud birth grand mom-(the human who first spoiled you Boomer- Uno)