Blazer in pupper days. “I tried to teach the kid everything I know, but he just wouldn’t listen. He’s kind of a Momma’s Boy.”
Baby Blaze, cutest bloom in the flowerbed.
Hmmmm, sounds like somebody knows how to get precisely what they want. How typically Corgi is that, huh?
Tucker’s talents include pushing friends and family around in the hammock, short legs be darned.
Double lovin’ on special someone Dottie.
“Just crunching the numbers on the squirrels I’ve crunched”.
Reviewing the files for accuracy. Somebody’s gotta keep track of my stats!
“Hey Tucker, look! This is my best Clint Eastwood face.”
What a darling pair~their personalities sound so similar to our two tri pems. What's a home without corgi hair anyway???
Hello from Andy & Amber Lee who miss seeing you in the vet's office but look forward to seeing you at the corgi picnic. Hope you love your and your mom's new place to live & work.
Their antics racing into the backyard sounds like my 2 girls! They are fast becoming the terrors of the neighborhood!