Little brother Dylan just turned four.
Dylan had a rough first few years of life, going through four homes after leaving the breeder before coming to live with Jan and the rest of the gang. “I found him through a fellow volunteer for a local animal rescue here in Arizona who knew I was Corgi crazy. The foster named him Dylan Thomas and because he had been passed around so much and this was his second name I decided to keep it. I figured it was enough for him to have to get used to another home.”“Can I stay this time?” “I tell Dylan all the time that this will be the last home for him and I will love him forever. He had a bad problem with marking in the house, and before coming to me, had no training. He recently graduated from his obedience class. “Dilly Woo” has a long way to go with his training, but I think once he realizes that I am his forever Mommy he will do a lot better.”
Frolicking in the sun! (Or is that River being herded?)
Other “ranch hands” include the donkeys …
… Ruka (resident royalty) …

Looks like heaven to me.
What a wonderfully full household you have! And like the rest of us, once you are owned by a Corgi you are a fan forever!
That's quite a pack of animals…all endearing and adorable in their own way too!