Andrew calls his awesome Corgi kids “The Beans” because when they were pups they looked like fuzzy little beans.
Nowadays, like most Corgis, they’re “full of beans”!
Bubba (L) is fourteen and a half, and EL-a (R) is six.
Who you callin’ small?
Bubba’s half Corgi and half Chihuahua (little Dad was very alpha!) Since neither one of those breeds thinks they’re anything but a big dog, Bubba walks tall — in spite of his stature. “He’s never realized he’s a small dog who weighs 16 to 17 pounds and always has been the alpha” writes Andrew. “Even though Bubba’s fourteen, people think he is a puppy and El-a is the Mom because he is still very alert and active on his walks.”
“He’s in fantastic shape despite enduring two separate reconstructive knee surgeries (torn acl, pcl, and meniscus). I have never met a tougher or more loyal soul. Sure he likes his afternoon siestas, goes to bed early, and doesn’t hear well, but then again he’s always had ‘selective’ listening!”
“Bubba is very smart. He can read emotions and loves to be picked up, scratched and rubbed. He doesn’t like water much. Bubba likes to protect his backyard, which means a lot of bossy barking at birds, airplanes, flies, butterflies, and bees. He’s just a great dog and quite a character.”
Dad, how about we turn the heat up just a skitch?
“Being part Chihuahua, he really likes to be bundled up when it gets cold.”
“I never knew what a Corgi was, even after I got Bubba. I just knew he was a Chihuahua mixed with a Corgi. Once I saw what a Corgi looked like and did some research on them I was hooked.”

“EL-a is named after former UCONN point guard Khalid EL-Amin. If you google him you’ll see he’s short and stumpy just like Corgis. I like to refer to her as “sunshine” because she is so happy and active and interested in everything. She loves attention from people and is very expressive when she’s excited and happy. Each morning EL-a greets me with a wag of her little butt and barks a few short, higher pitched ‘hellos’.”
“Ha! No way is he getting out from under THIS nose.”
“El-a’s day is filled with making sure she knows exactly what Bubba is doing.”
“The amount of joy Bubba and EL-a bring into my life could never be repaid. They truly mean the world to me. I have their portrait tattooed on each forearm, with their exact pawprint beneath their faces and their nicknames above.”
“Bubba’s nickname is “Brother” and EL-a’s is “Beansie” … I also have “The Beans”.
“They always remember me like I never left and follow me around like I’m wearing two Corgi slippers. They’ve always been there for me and never betrayed me. I’ve gladly paid for Bubba’s expensive knee surgeries. I make sure they have the best food so their weight stays in check. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them.”
These fur kids make cameo appearances on their Dad’s blog corgishoe.
“Take a number, Dad.”
“As far as the alpha order I’d have to say it goes Bubba > El-A > Me.”
* * * * *
Sounds like love to me!
cool Paw's arms are microchipped in case he gets lost
Benny & Lily
It makes me SO happy to see a corgi who is fourteen and a half years old.
Our corgi kids are 10 1/2, and 8 1/2, and both are starting to get a little white in their muzzles. Their mortality has been on my mind so much lately. Seeing your healthy "senior" corgi, made my day, and gives me hope~