International Corgipants Alert!

Got cake?
Lim Wan Zhen (Michelle) of Singapore writes “I was never really a dog person, but when I saw a Corgi for the first time, I fell in love with the breed. My boyfriend gave me Pi pi, a female puppy — my first dog!”
She just turned two years-old in May.
Clearly, resistance was futile.
“I was very lucky to be able to locate another two Corgis from the same litter: her sister, kyubi and brother, also called Pi pi.”
The only thing better than one Corgi is more than one Corgi!
“In Singapore, the weather is sunny all year long; Pi pi enjoys her trips to the dog swimming pool, dog run and of course the beach. Initially she was scared of the water, but after few trips to the pool and beach, she loves to swim!”
“We meet up with her siblings once in a while to let the littermates mingle with each other. Pi pi’s favourite food is chicken and she enjoys having fruits after dinner. She chases after birds at the park and gets crazy when anyone tries to touch her favourite Eeyore toy!”
Where’s Pi pi?
“She loves taking naps here, there and everywhere. If you can’t find her, you know she is hiding under the bed, sleeping! Pi pi adores getting her tummy rubs from everyone in the house.”
“She’s very well loved by my family, everyone treats her as the baby of the house. When we take her out, she is extremely well behaved and stays close to us at all times. In Singapore we are multi-racial country, meaning many races living alongside each other. The Malays often do not like dogs, but our Malay neighbours fell in love with Pi pi, often getting her toys during festive seasons and greeting her when they see her around the estate.”
Of course they loved me … look at this face.
“What truly touches me is Pi pi knows when I’m upset. Although she can’t comfort me with words, she do it with her own actions. Sitting beside me quietly, she keeps me company ’til I feel better. Sometimes I wonder how she even know I’m feeling down. I guess this is the connection between owner and pet.”
“I love you best, Mom. These ears were made for listening.”
“My girl loves bathing time and needs to look pretty! She’s so vain that she don’t mind us putting a headband on her, or even a tutu skirt. On my sister’s wedding day Pi pi was one of the bridesmaids!”
I’m trying not to upstage the bride, but it ain’t easy …
“Pi pi has bought so much laughter into my life. When I get home after a long day of work, seeing her makes me feel a whole lot better! I am truly thankful to have her and I know I will continue loving her every day.”
Life is GOOD, isn’t it?
* * * * *
Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Pi pi!
There are lots of Corgis and Corgi lovers in Singapore, and it’s always great to meet another dog from overseas!
International Corgipants ROCK.
Pipi is very cute and looks very happy, despite having clothing on!
What a great story!!! CUTE!!!!
Everything you love about pi pi is what I love about my Yogi, they are such wonderful doggies 🙂 The best of friends.. and sooooooooo cute!
Pi pi is a gorgeous girl and is surely well loved ! I have 3 corgi boys and they are everything to me 🙂