Pennsylvania Pembrokes Sammy and Cody are three year-old brothers in charge of keeping their West Chester neighborhood safe from alien invaders (otherwise known as UPS and FedEx delivery trucks).

Around here, WE are the fuzz!
“Our boys absolutely love to run in the yard and chase birds, rabbits and squirrels” writes Mom Betty B. “Basically anything that passes our house at speed is subject to them chasing it and I think they are trying to herd whatever it is.”
“If Sammy and Cody aren’t outside, they’re probably on their backs sound asleep inside.”
“Belly rubs are their favorite thing. They’re awesome snugglers. Our dog sitter loves it when they come to stay because she loves it when they snuggle.”
Exhibit A: extreme snuggle-worthiness.
“I’ve had people say to me ‘Oh, you live at that house with the Corgis!'”
Sure do!
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Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Sammy and Cody!
You sure do keep it Corgi in Pennsylvania!
Sammy & Cody you two are all that Corgi's should be…..and MUCH MORE!!!
Emily & da Pringang in Spring, TX
hey! I'm the dogsitter and I LOVE these guys. Best.Snugglers.Evah.
Thanks for sharing great photos and another wonderful Corgi story!!
Judy & Max