Abby and Molly (aka the “Girls”) rule their household in Fort Worth, Texas. “They are numbers 4 and 5 in our “string” of Corgwn” writes Mom Marian N. “We began with Chester, later added Daisy, and then Lucy came to live here after Chester crossed the Bridge.”
“We enjoy having 2 Corgi kids at a time!”
“Abby (short for Abracadabra) is our 9 year-old sable fluffy. She is totally feminine — except when it comes to brushing and manicures — and loves to eat and nap and
talk. Abby is a recreational barker.”
“When we got her, we thought she was the cutest puppy ever — but, then, they all are, aren’t they? We’d never had a fluffy before, so the grooming was a new adventure.”
“Abby would prefer to wear her hair au naturel, but she eventually gives in to the brush. She is an indoor girl — likes the air conditioning in the summer, heat in the winter, and her creature comforts: bed, sofa, etc. Abby goes outside when necessary, but she comes back in fairly quickly.”
“We added Molly (now 6 years old) to our family a few years later, when she was 2.”
“She spent her first couple of years on the show circuit, but she is now enjoying her retirement here with her fluffy sister. Molly is more of a tomboy, she loves running around outside and gossiping with the neighbor dogs. She is our main squirrel-police girl. Both are addicted to pats and hugs.”
Waiting for Dad to get home.
“Both girls conform to the description of Corgwn being the “ever-vigilant guardians of the hearth” — and the front door and the back door and the back yard and the circle out front and … you get the picture! No one can sneak up on us!”
“Abby and Molly are particularly offended by the squirrels in the back yard, and their dream is to catch one.”
“Both Girls have extensive (mostly) food-oriented vocabularies: cookie, snack, chickie dinner, treat, cheese, outside, backyard — all the usual words, and they can spell many of them now. Any sentence that begins with “Do you want…?” or “Would you like …?” gets their immediate attention, and the word “dessert” brings them running!”
“They have their established routine: wake up, eat breakfast, check on the squirrels
outside, nap, have a cookie, check on the squirrels again, nap, nap somewhere else,
move to yet a different nap spot, eat dinner, check on the squirrels, help with the
Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Molly and Abby!
You sure are some barooOoOooootiful gals!
What pretty girls!