Finally got the goods off my camera … (thank you, tech-savvy pal Mizz R.)!
Here are Jon Farleigh and Dewi, Daily Corgi alums and the stars of Chronicles of Cardigan.
Jon Farleigh is the red and white with the big puppy eyes, Dewi is the blue merle rascal with plenty to say.
These were taken in the ballroom on the opening morning of the conference, so the lighting isn’t great … but you get the general idea.
Elizabeth (left), me and the boys!
Smilin’ Dewi.
Irresistible Jon Farleigh.
What beauties they are, huh?!
The other two Corgis at the conference — charmer Pems Roxi and Charlie — are Daily Corgi alums too. Roxi is the red and white, Charlie the tri, both are packing serious cute.
Gaghhh! This is my brain on Corgis!
Yes, that’s my voice in the video going all gooey over them. It was inevitable. I don’t think their Mom Julie minded. Well, not very much anyhow ;-).
Follow Roxi and Charlies’ adventures at Corgi Frap!
Finally, a short clip of ALL the Corgis together … barOoOoOooooooo-worthy way to represent, everybody!
Mom told me about all you Corgis at #BlogPaws! I have to show my pretend sis @princessgwennie about this post!
Mom told me she saw all you cute corgis at #blogpaws! I have to tell my pretend little sis @princessgwennie about this post!