The versatile and talented Paige at CorgiPals is now making and selling these Corgi hats at her etsy shop! All proceeds benefit Baxter’s Helping Paws Fund!
Don’t forget about Baxter’s big Playdate/Dog Wash Benefit Event, happening tomorrow (10/8) from 1:30-4:30 at Ruff House & Zoom Groom in Edina, Minnesota. (That’s the greater Minneapolis area).
See HERE for all the details on what promises to be a super fun time. Baxter himself will be there too!
The hats are 20 dollars with 5 dollars for shipping! 😀 So getting one! Go Baxter! <3
These are maddd cute!! I need one!
I'm thinking maybe Santa will bring me one of these for Christmas! Writing to him NOW!! 😀
oh my goodness, we love this hat
Benny & Lily
I want one.