9) To get my ego massaged from the hundreds of comments I receive each day.
8) To spend even more time in front of a computer screen after eight hours at work!
7) To keep up with fellow Cardi bloggers via the blog list in my sidebar.
6) To justify buying my “good camera”.
5) To improve my photography.
4) To have a creative outlet in contrast to my day job of writing computer code.
3) To keep track of Jimmy’s agility trials and progress toward his MACH (Master Agility Champion) title.
2) To have a photo-journal of my dogs’ lives.
And the #1 reason is to share this wonderful breed (and my wonderful boys in particular) with everyone!
I started my blog back in June of 2009. I had actually set it up a few months earlier but couldn’t get myself going. I didn’t know what to start with and figured I wouldn’t have enough inspiration to keep it going. But, seeing as how this blog is about Cardigan Welsh Corgis, I really needn’t have worried about a lack of content! These entertaining little dogs provide more than enough blog fodder on a daily basis. I quickly realized that the blog provided a diary of sorts, and an online photo album. It was a place for pictures and stories of my dogs, to keep it all fresh in my middle age memory.
Q: It sure is easy to fall in love with Corgis and want to talk about them. Almost all the time. Do you blog for the same reasons today?
A: Over time, I came to see my blog as a creative outlet. I love to take photographs, especially of my dogs. Because of the blog, I have more reasons to take pictures, look for interesting locations, capture a moment, or embarrass my dogs for a chuckle or two. Of course, getting feedback in the form of comments is very reinforcing. It keeps me on the lookout for the next photo-op, the next silly moment.
Q: How much work is the blog?
A: I’ve never aimed for making a daily post. I just let day-to-day life provide me with a post. Sometimes there’s just nothing and I don’t sweat it or force it. As a result, there’s really no work involved. I will say my alliterated Wilson’s Wordless Wednesday posts can provide me with a small bit of angst when Tuesday rolls around and I’ve got nothing. I’ve kept that theme going for a while, and would be disappointed in myself for dropping the ball. But that day is coming.
Q: What do you like best about blogging in general and your blog in particular?
A: I love that when all is said and done, I’ll have this wonderful chronicle of my dogs’ lives, and as a side effect, a chronicle of my own. I could never pull all of this together “after the fact”. The blog keeps me recording the story. Also, I carry my camera much more frequently than I ever would if there was no blog. This means more pictures of my dogs, more opportunities to improve my photographic eye, and capture moments that would otherwise be lost.
Finally, but certainly not least, this blog has brought new friends. I’ve actually met several of the Cardi bloggers I follow/follow me. How cool is that? And with the upcoming 2012 Cardigan National Specialty in Ohio, I hope to meet a few more.
Q: Wow — I can totally relate to that experience, meeting new friends has been an unexpected bonus. What do you like least about blogging?
A: Because our blogs are open to anyone and everyone, I find myself filtering my posts. I don’t always write exactly what’s on my mind for fear of being politically incorrect or offending someone. As a result, I run the risk of hitting the “Publish” button on some mighty bland posts!
Q: What other bloggers you read regularly? Do you have any favorites you’d like to recommend?
Of course I follow you and the Daily Corgi and Elizabeth at The Chronicles of Cardigan. Wouldn’t miss them!
A couple of non-Corgi ones I like are Linda’s The 7MSN Ranch (or Seven Miles South of Nowhere), which is EXCELLENT, as well as Jan at George the Lad, a blog “written” by a Welsh Terrier in the UK. Jan travels around the English countryside with her dogs/husband and takes awesome photographs of the scenery.
Q: I’m a big fan of The Chronicles of Cardigan too! Elizabeth is one of the funniest bloggers going on the Corgi world. What advice would you give to bloggers just starting out, or to people who want to blog but don’t know where to begin?
I say just get the blog basics laid out. Pick your theme, colors,etc. Set it up so it’s ready to go. Get familiar with how to use the blogging software/features. When you get comfortable, just jump in! Post a picture you really love (if it’s going to be a dog blog, or a photo-based blog) and just introduce yourself. If you follow a few blogs (or know the bloggers) ask them to do a post about your new blog as a way of introducing you. (Janet Suber was my “sponsor”). Also don’t pressure yourself into posting daily, that can be stressful. Set an easier goal of maybe two posts a week. It gets much easier as it goes along!
Q: Where do you see A Tail of Two Cardis in a year?
A: When it gets right down to it, I do this blog for myself. It’s the story of the dogs I love and our journey together. A year from now, I hope I’ll be continuing the tale … or in the case of Cardigans, the tail. Good or bad, I don’t foresee a lot of changes.
Thanks for stopping by, Taryn! I’ve got a feeling you’ll be picking up some new readers after today. Here’s to many more years of happy blogging and Cardi capers!
Many, many thanks, Laurie, for featuring my blog! What fun it is to be in the spotlight!
Love Taryn, Jimmy and Wilson and a Tail of Two Cardis! One of the first blogs I ever followed (of any category). Great interview! (P.S. That ram costume on Jimmy is making my heart flutter.)
Taryn, you're welcome!! You're a great sitter-in-the-spotlight-er!
I'm one of the lucky people who has met Taryn and her Corgi-boys. Blogging is wonderful. It is hard to imagine a way Taryn and I might have "run into each other" but our blogs let it happen.