Since I had my Corgi boy, I knew I wanted a little girl this time. I spoke to the same breeder I got Dexter from, and on Good Friday, April 22, 2011 I got the call that my tiny girl had arrived! We originally wanted a tri-color, but there were only red females in the litter. I admit I was a little disappointed … until I met her.
If you’ve read my previous posts about Dexter, or his Heart Dog post over at CorgiPals, then you know how strong a bond we have. I really didn’t expect to have the same bond with Violet but WOW was I wrong. Math time!! If you take how much I love Corgis (4,278,348,363,902%) times about 46 kabajitrillion, you’ll get how much Violet loves her Mama.
Just charming, Paige, you have two darlings !!! P.S. Corgi hat proved to be a smash Christmas gift !!!!!
She's so cute!!!!!
This post just started my day off with a great start! What a doll! I just can't get enough of watching Corgi videos. Even my Corgi likes to watch them.
I'm glad you like the hat Lois!! 🙂
What a great start this video made for my day. Violet is such a doll. I just can't get enough of watching Corgi videos. Even my Corgi, Lil Reba likes to watch them. The Kung Fu one really cracked me up.
great story! Violet is a treasure! Watch out for diva dogs, they will steal your heart, our girl did. She has the down on diva.
Great post! I love the term "Frappy Hour"!
kungfu video was so funny!! Awww the corgi is so cute