Today Tanner turns ten. (Nice pants, mister!)
His Mom Caryl found Tanner (Montana) through the Corgi Rescues of America page on facebook. “He was delivered to me by a huge-hearted person from Michigan who drove to Wyoming to pick him up from his rescuer, then all the way back to northern New York to bring him to me.”
“Happy birthday to my fabulous rescue. He is so loved!” OXOXOXOX Mum Caryl (Sean, Hunter and Pippin too!)
Editor’s Note: I’ve followed Tanner’s progress since Caryl first decided to take him, and I have to say how fabulous it is that she adopted an older rescue. Of course, Tanner decided he was going to be top dog, which didn’t necessarily go down well with one of his new “brothers”, but Caryl’s a patient and experienced dog Mom and has dealt gracefully with the challenges.
Read all about this Tanner and his brothers on her guest post, from back in January!
Gorgeous corgi! Happy birthday!!