Do you blog too? You can get involved even if you’re not at BlogPaws! For every blog post about the campaign between now and June 30th, Pedigree will donate a 17 pound bag of food to a shelter. One bag per blog … so get BUSY my fellow bloggers, let’s get those bowls and bellies full!
You may use this badge in your post and/or blog sidebar. I’ve linked mine to the Pedigree Foundation site, chock full of real world feel-good news about their efforts for homeless dogs and shelters. (Oh, and Betty White’s there too … I heart Betty!)
Corgi ON!
Full disclosure: I have not been compensated for this post. The real benefit is knowing I get to help dogs and giving other people the chance to do the same.
Woo hoo! Can't wait to see you tomorrow at BlogPaws! We'll Hava blast and help feed more doggies who need it most!
Diane and Cosmo Havanese!
How do we copy the badge to add it to a post??
My blog isn't dog related, but I'd love to still help!!!
Enjoy the conference!!!!!
To use the pic (badge), right click on the image and select "save as" from the drop down menu. Then insert it as a graphic on your blog, and from there you can link it to the Pedigree Foundation page (as I did).
🙂 Laurie
Mine is all set on my blog. Come and visit me.
Loveys Sasha
I have posted on my blog. Hope more people/doggies will be on board.
I'll be back,
Sanskissjuice, THANKS for your post in support of the cause!
p.s. Love your blog!
Hi Laurie!!! I don't have a dog blog 🙂 but I do have a teaching blog and I mentioned the campaign there! I hope that's okay! I LOVE the Daily Corgi!!!! 🙂 Thanks for all you do!
Thank you SANDY for your post, and have a wonderful teacher's Summer off! All teachers deserve those months to rest up, re-charge and come back refreshed to help our kids. Enjoy!