Say hello to my newest Corgi! That’s him on the left.
He’s an original from artist/designer Miranda Rommel’s etsy shop Fiber Friends.
Here’s a closer-up look. Isn’t he the handsomest? A bit on the small side, perhaps.
In “frog dog” pose. He’s kind of a show-off. What do YOU think I should name him?
Good news! He’s got a buddy. Better news: his little friend is looking for a home. That’s right — you can win a Corgi — the perky-eared one on the right! Multi-talented Miranda has thoughtfully given me two of her handmade Fiber Friends handmade Corgis, one to keep and one to give away. I’m the foster Mom at this point … no walks or potty breaks, bless that felted little heart.
There are four easy ways to enter the drawing for this darlin’:
* Like Pocket Pause on facebook and leave a comment
there mentioning this giveaway.
there mentioning this giveaway.
* Like Miranda Mueller Illustration on facebook and
leave a comment there mentioning this giveaway.
* Follow or subscribe to the Pocket Pause blog AND leave a
comment on the Pocket Pause Fiber Friends page.
comment on the Pocket Pause Fiber Friends page.
* Follow @pocketpause on twitter and tweet about the
giveaway using @pocketpause in your tweet.
One entry per person, per method. Deadline for entry is midnight Pacific Time on Friday, August 3rd.
If Corgis aren’t your speed (what?!), Miranda also crafts sheep, kitties, rabbits and chickens, plus custom felted pet portraits to match your favorite fur-baby Honestly, is there anything this gal can’t do?
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In her own words, Rachael Rossman is a Mom and an artist who lives in Salem Oregon, where she cleans up a lot of messes. “My home studio is really just a room with a desk in it and my kids’ finger paints all over the place” she writes. “The atmosphere is rife with loud music and studio cats. You may have seen some of my work on,,, or at the 2010 MTV Movie Award celebrity gift lounge. To promote my work, I rely heavily on the kindess of strangers, namely word-of-mouth, blogs, facebook and twitter. So far, the universe – and the internet – have been very good to me.”
WIN a CUSTOM 5×7 PORTRAIT of your PET by Rachael! Here’s how to enter: visit Rachael Rossman’s facebook page, be awed by her mad skills, like the page (optional but would be nice :-), then come back to this here post and leave a comment on her work. You must leave a comment here no later than midnight Pacific Time on Friday, August 3rd to quality for the drawing.
BONUS! Mention The Daily Corgi for 20% off any portrait order (any size) through the end of August.
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Chip, Daily Corgi reader Marlene T.’s Pemmie!
Native to the northern Indiana region, Eric Byer studied Ceramics and Drawing at the University of Indianapolis, graduating with a BFA in May, 2009.
Since then he’s been busy working (student loans and all), but has found time to create Byer Cellar, his own portrait business. Specializing in charcoal portraits, Eric combines a love of pets (especially big dogs) with an innate ability to capture their personalities on paper. His attention to technique and detail, combined with a fine understanding of his medium, highlights the uniqueness of the animal in a realistic way. Eric is married to Kayleigh, another artist, and they live in Elkhart, Indiana with Pipsqueak, their guinea pig. (No word on whether Pipsqueak is an artist … watch the shavings for sculptures, guys!)
Visit Eric’s Byer Cellar facebook page for more info and to order your own portrait!
Well, Laurie, I am wowed by Rachael Wehrlie Rossman's art! She does it all and so wonderfully. I will SOON be ordering, ordering, ordering! Thank you for showcasing her work.
Today's blog is beautiful, Laurie, and your generous, sharing spirit shines through!
Love Rachael's work – it is all so imbued with color – that is the prize I would like to win.
Rachael is such a talented artist! I definitely need to commission her for a print of Cassidy!
I may have to cheat and buy a portrait instead.
These are amazing! Such talent! I would be thrilled to get a portait of my little red tri Pearl! What a wonderful opportunity.
What amazing work from a uber talented artist. Would be thrilled to win a portrait of my little corgi!
I would so LOVE to have a portrait of my little prince and princess. Cameo will be 10 in September and Pippin is +-13. What beautiful work!
Rachael Rossman did a small portrait of my cat a few months back and I can vouch first hand that her work is beyond amazing. She definitely captures the personality of her subject in her paint. I would be beyond stoked to win a portrait from her.
Love the artwork, it's absolutely amazing.
Love this artwork, it's truly wonderful. I would love to hang a picture like this of my puppy above her bed, my wife would love it if we won.
I love your paintings. I would love to have a painting of my corgi and my border collie/aussie together for my new home i just moved into.
Rachel's art is awesome, love her style!
Rachael's art is awesome! I follow the blog through my yahoo feed, how do I indicated that for a chance at the contest?
Rachael Rossman Rocks!! Pick us, Pick us!!!
Those are my boys, Dunky, and my rescue, Ozzie. Rachael's work is stunning and very special.
Rachael Rossman Rocks, Pick us, Pick us!!!
Beautiful paintings. I've been thinking of having one done of my corgi Reggie
Fabulous work – I would LOVE a painting of my Corgi girls!
Fabulous work – I would LOVE a portrait of my Corgi girls!
WOW!! thanks for letting us in on her AMAZING work!!!!!!!! Bogart would look so GOOD in water color!!!!!!!!! I'm in awe!!!
Wow Rachael's work is amazing!!! I would love to see a portrait like that of Clytie & kyler!!!
Great find, Laurie! Truly talented artist, thank you for sharing! Love, SLV
awesome find, laurie! thanks for sharing a true talent! Love, SLV
You do have a good eye Laurie!! The paintings by Rachael are nothing short of baroootiful! Ollie says he would LOVE to see even more of his face hanging on the walls around here (in true corgi fashion, you know how they are very much aware of how great they are!)
Definitely count us in on the giveaway!
Rachael's art is beyond amazing!
LOVE WATERCOLORS!!!! Paintings are great! Would love to have one of my dogs or mule!
I'd love to win a custom pet portrait, and Rachael's work is amazing! Count me in!
Totally awesome! Id love to win this I have a tri color male and a sable! PERFECT!
Wonderful, esp the colors
I adore Rachel's work and cannot pass up the chance to win a portrait from her.
Rachael's artwork is just absolutely stunning! So original and beautiful. Truly a talented artist. I wish I had the creativity she has to be able to put all those colors together so perfectly. Thank you for informing us of her beautiful work. Anyone would be lucky and blessed to win this prize.
Love Rachael's corgis! Her portrait of the try-color and sable look just like my old Tootsie Roll and her son, Blaze!!
Would love to have your talent capture the cuteness of my petite corgi girl!
Amazing artowrk! Not just the corgis (although those may be your best work) but also all your other work on facebook! Very gifted artist! Keep up the good work!
beautiful art work!! The corgis look just as regal as they are! <3
Wow — would love a portrait of Sadie! Rachael is amazing!!
Rachael's art is fantastic. I would love one of these on my wall. 🙂
I LOVE Rachael's dog portraits! Was wowed by the one of the sleddogs…(my husband and I have 3), and would love to have one done of those three plus the three who have passed on.
I LOVE Rachael's dog portraits! Was especially wowed by the sleddog one! We have three, and would love to have their portraits done, plus the three who have passed on. Amazing!
That is the cutest art i've ever seen!
Oops, let me correct my post 🙂
I visited Rachael's page and I love her awesome artwork.
The second question was the Pocket Pause blog, how do I indicate that I subscribe through Yahoo?
In response to Anonymous, who wrote "The second question was the Pocket Pause blog, how do I indicate that I subscribe through Yahoo?"
Did you already subscribe before today or did you just sign up for the feed today to enter the contest?
Rachael painted my corgi Knuckles and it is awesome! Corgi v2.0, Bernie, is in her queue as well. Love her!
Dear Anonymous: The answer to your question is this …
… simply leave a comment on the blog that they you are a follower. This will ensure your entry in the contest for the felted Corgi.
Hi Everybody! Thanks for your interest in Fiber Friends (and Rachael's beautiful portraits!).
Please check out my Fiber Friends page on my blog, Be sure to leave a comment on that page if you're a new subscriber/follower of my blog. I need a comment in order to count you in the giveaway!
I love Rachael's work and would be thrilled to win a portait of my corgis.
I love Rachael's work. I purchased a portrait for my neighbor and would like one of my own.
I have been following Rachael's website and Facebook for a long while now since seeing her potrait of Ree Drummond, the Pioneer Woman's, Basset Hound Charlie! I would love to have her do a portrait of our poms!
Thanks for featuring these artists! I could always use some more corgi art around my house (hint hint, Rachael Rossman!).
I'm interested in winning Rachael's work! It's incredible!
Love the Rachael Page!!! Love your Blog! Love the the Corgie and NEED the Corige friend!!!! 😉
Love Rachael's work!!! Would love to have her do my best friend doggie's portrait!!! Love and need a Corgie friend too!!! 😉
Rachael's work is an art in itself! I've never seen any style compared to hers and would be more than honored to have a custom portrait of my corgi, Alwyn through her artistic eyes!
Rachel's work is amazing, and "Rascal" and I would love for her to create his personality, through art as a keepsake for the future. I envy the talent it takes to illustrate, as I have no such talent. 🙁 Would love to be chosen for such a portrait! Wow!
Stacey Brunson (pembroke owner of Rascal)
I first saw Rachel's work on Dooce. She is a true talent! It'd be great to win a portrait from her!
I love Rachael's work and have given her calendar as a gift to my dog-crazy son. I would love to have her do a portrait of either the family dog or the younger son's new dog … which just happens to be a corgi!
I love Rachael's work and would be so jazzed if a won a portrait of my Corgi Bella!
What beautiful art! I will be keeping Rachael's page bookmarked for the future.
What beautiful art! I will be keeping Rachael's page bookmarked for the future.
Loved the opportunity to get acquainted with Rachel's work via her FB page. I would love to win a portrait! My corgi Gwennie would love it too!
All of Rachael's art is beautiful, but I definitely love her pictures of Corgis 🙂
I love the bright colors in Rachael Rossman's art… so gorgeous!! Thanks for introducing us to her work and giving us the chance to win our very own pet portrait!
Wow… So happy you posted Rachael's Art on the daily corgi! It is extraordinary and one of a kind! LOVE IT! Also, We have the same name so that is great too! lol Keep it up Rachael, I will be checking your page often for new Corgi art!
The artwork is so sharp ! I love the design element and the colors. Excellent work 🙂
I love the corgi portraits, of course. But the guinea pig was awesome! I didn't realize they could be so expressive. Very talented!
Such beautiful work. Rachael is a very talented artist. Love the Corgis 🙂
Rachael's art is wonderful! She really captures the soul of the animal. Chip's nub is a waggin' – hope we win 🙂