Winston was all about the squirrels. In fact, this Daily Corgi alum was the veritable Sheriff of Squirreltown. His family referred to them as “S-Q”s, and amazingly for a Corgi, I don’t think he ever did catch on to their verbal shorthand!
Before an aggressive cancer sent him early to the Bridge in June, Winston got the chance to enjoy some lovely Spring days with Penny, his red dappled little Dachshund sister. Following surgery for a torn ACL earlier in the year, Winston’s new diagnosis and the prospect of more surgery led to his family’s decision to let him live out his remaining days happily …
… and he did …
… pizza crust begging, butterfly-supervising, camera mugging, through-the-window neighborhood snoopervising and all. What a Corgi-licious boy!
Memorial Day week, his family knew things were worsening. “He had been having mini seizures occasionally during walks” writes Norma, “and that week he had one every day. By Wednesday, he took one morsel of his food into the living room, guarded it and didn’t eat it. Thursday morning he ate, but by afternoon, he wouldn’t go near his all-time favorite Dingo treat. We knew it was time, and were fortunate to be able to love on him to the end. On June 1, the vet came to our home and helped us release Winston from his suffering, just a week shy of his eighth birthday.”
“We allowed Penny and Pearl (our newly rescued Beagle) to have their final sniff goodbye when everything was done, and he is buried in our yard with the cotton mat from under his dish, his favorite towel, and the Dingo he didn’t eat.”
“The house is very quiet without our talkative friend, and we always smile when the Nasonex commercial comes on — he hated that animated bee! Penny and Pearl get lots of love, and maybe at some point there will be another Corgi in our future. For now we will be content to watch The Daily Corgi and love on other Corgis vicariously.”
“Thank you for being part of our lives by bringing Corgi love to everyone. Winston’s loss has made us very sad, but we’ll be OK. Dogs are forever companions!”
* * * * *
Friends, it is particularly poignant to share the passing of a Corgi who’s been a Dog of the Day here on the blog. I am blessed to get to know them and share their stories, but saying farewell is hard. Each time surprisingly, unexpectedly hard. I readily admit to crying over Winston, which must seem bizarre to people who don’t understand and deeply love dogs. Thankfully, they’re probably not reading this post.
Winston, just so you know … you made me very happy too :).
Lovely tribute. Wishing everybody a great Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
The worst heart ache…the worst missing….xxxxxoooo
How touching that you were able to have a vet come to your home where Winston felt so much love. I have two Corgis and they have more personality than most people. I don't even want to think of the day I will have to say good bye Winston will be missed by us all.
Hold onto your furry memories, LORI
To the owners: With tears in my eyes, I give you my condolences. But what a great life he had with you! My own corgi was put to rest last fall at one month shy of 16 yrs old. I miss her every day. They have the most courageous spirit and everyday is a adventure. I just love the corgi more than any other breed. You were greatly blessed to have had one in your life too!
I'm so sorry for your loss, but what a lovely way to remember him.
Also, shedding tears for the passing of this sweet Corgi-boy.
Please accept my sincere condolences. Thank you for the love in your heart for Winston & his mates. Linda in CO
what a nnice tribute. Run free sweet Winston
Snuggles and snorts
Benny & Lily
He was beautiful—this made me cry as I have 3 and Love them to death–Rest in peace little Winston–
RIP Winston. You were a dandy little guy! I hate to hear of anyone losing their Corgi! They're the best!
It always amazes me how you can feel so sad to the point of tears simply by reading the demise of one of our Corgi friends you don't even know. My heart goes out to you over the loss of Winston and hope the tears and heartaches will ease over time. At least he had a good home, well loved and cherished. Sadly, that can't be said for all.
I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of Winston. I dread the day I have to make that decision and it isn't an easy one to make. Winston was such a handsome boy. I love the fact the vet came to your home and that Winston is buried in your yard with his favorite things. Cheerish the memories. Sending corgi kisses your way from mine.
Thank you, all. We are very fortunate in southeast VA to have not just one, but two veterinarians who exclusively perform pet euthanasia in the home. Worth their weight in gold! The one we had was most caring, understanding, and very concerned about having the experience be swift and pain free for the animal, and not traumatizing for any family wishing to be present. We were confident that being with Winston to his last breath allowed him to journey over the Bridge peacefully and with as much love possible.