Before California Pembroke Yogi ever got tapped to play “Corgi Rae Jepsen” in the parody of the mega-hit pop song “Call Me”, he was a Daily Corgi Dog of the Day in February, 2011.
Corgi Rae Jepsen — “Call Me”
That’s right. You saw him here first.
His Mom Hali made it perfectly clear in his post that Yogi detests all cleaners, aerosols, rags, dusters, mops, brooms to die. “He wants them to die!”
She wasn’t kidding.
Yogi The Crazy Corgi
Yogi’s dislike of cleaning supplies subsequently earned him a slightly notorious rep as the “crazy Corgi” who got hold of a can of spray paint, punctured it and set his kitchen on fire.
According to Hali, it started off with Yogi doing a segment called Pet Sense on the youtube channel The Pet Collective: Basically the show focused on animals with behavioral problems, and Yogi is really awesome but he has issues with cleaning supplies — ALL of them, specifically aerosol cans. I keep those under my kitchen sink. Long story short, while filming I was demonstrating how Yogi reacts when I opened the cupboard under my sink and I let him dive in there. In real life I never let him in there, but I did it for the show. During filming they captured Yogi grabbing a can of spray paint (don’t know why it was there — my bad), then puncturing it, spraying everything in site with black paint. When the fumes hit the pilot light under my stove it went off like a bomb, THEN the kitchen EXPLODED!
Funny Corgi Causes Explosion Then Fire
Yogi’s become a Pet Sense favorite. He recently filmed the Pet Olympics with them and won Best Dive.
Stay tuned for his further adventures … Yogi’s only just begun!
auntmtv says
great story! I love the Yogi. He needs to meet the Corgi who lets his owner vacuum him.
Anonymous says
My corgi that passed away a couple years ago used to attack the vacuum and the ironing board. You could stop him if you really wanted to, but it was so funny my husband and I allowed it.