Another Thanksgiving has come and gone, leaving us with many Corgi-licious moments to savor ’til next year.
Sofa Lee Corgi was extra thankful for all her Corgi friends, the families who love and take care of them, and pie. Lots of pie.
For Frodo, turkey was the smell of lovin’ in the oven. Hmmm, a Corgi on dinner bell duty … imagine that.
On his first Thanksgiving, Dovahkiin discovered the joys of marshmallows.
Turkey or no turkey, Harri and Wills were set for some serious gobbling.
Post feast: Toby in full belly maintenance mode.
Wilmaaa couldn’t even finish her milkbone dessert!
Turkey coma: it’s not just for humans. Darby demonstrates.
Deer hunting season in Adele and Cooper’s neck of the woods means suiting up in blaze orange.
Have safety orange, will wiggle.

Jasper slept off the L-Corgiphan, as only Jasper can do it.
Remains of the day: Trude’s turkey-fied torpor lingered into Black Friday. Deals schmeals, the nap’s the thing!
What fun everyone had. Have a marvelous Monday.
Best wishes Molly