Good morning Corgi Nation, and welcome to my weekly guest spot on The Daily Corgi! I am your host Paige K. Davis, founder of CorgiPals. As you know, every week I do a guest post to keep you up to snuff with the goings-on in the CorgiPals world.
First, an introduction is in order. Meet Truman, our newest Helping Paws client! This rescue boy recently lost the ability walk due to a severely herniated disc in his back, and had surgery. The surgery went well, and he should be coming home today! Truman’s bill, including PayPal and Fundrazr fees, is $5,250.
Finally, a reminder that CorgiPals is sponsoring another Corgi Photo Challenge for the month of July! Never done a photo challenge before? Find all the details HERE. Feel free to jump in any time!
That about wraps it up for this week! Oh, and don’t forget … CorgiPals has a NEW company goal that we are trying to reach. We are trying to get our Facebook page to 10,000 “likes” by the end of 2013. We are currently at 6,111 fans! Please spread the word to help us reach our goal! Remember, every person who knows about CorgiPals is one more soldier in our army fighting for Corgis in need all over the globe! Keep on Corgi’n on!
Wish I had the money to fix my Corgi's right hind leg. Waiting on his wheelchair. He drags himself to get around! I'm not even sure if my boy will accept the wheelchair?