Ahhh yes. The young Corgi. So innocent, so utterly unaware of his own charm.
Who, me? Somebody get this silly napkin off my back.
What, cow spots on my belly? Sure. Doesn’t everybody have ’em?
Am I some kind of celebrity? Because if I am, somebody should clue me in and show me to the buffet table.
Seriously. Do a bro a solid!
Come to think of it, I actually do have a few talents.
This is my mouse impression. If Fievel Mouskewitz calls, I have no idea what copyright means.
Got this grinning thing down flat. Total natural!
Helping Dad check the mail. We puppies are soooo useful.
Just mastered my roll over. BOOM! Biscuit city, baby.
Cracking myself up. Now THIS I can see attracting an audience. Make ’em laugh and all that. Just don’t laugh at my outfits. (I’m serious. Can it!)
Growing up, losing my squishiness. Soon I’ll be a man!
My Mom Neiko says I make noises and funny faces. (She does the same thing, but do I tell her to her face? No). She says my motor never quits, I talk to my toys (who doesn’t?), and love to play with the doorstop. Can’t she see the doorstop is asking for it? I’m a born explorer, the neighborhood big shot and the friendliest dog anybody could ever want. Yep, people and other dogs, they’re all good by me.
She forgot to mention my thieving ways. Stealing things is fun; I will keep on doing it until they pass laws against dogs stealing things.
Right, well … there is a doorstop that needs talking to. I’ve got big jobs around here. Not much time to give interviews, though you can follow me on facebook and instagram.
Because people seem to enjoy looking at our rear bumpers, here’s a shot of mine. Feel free to share it with all your bumper loving buddies.
Bumper loving buddies… very cute!