If you follow The Daily Corgi at the facebook page, you know this week in our Corgi community has seen more than it’s share of losses. Corgis “earning their wings”, final goodbyes, facing what seems impossible — and doing it together. Proving that collective compassion and witness to sorrow — even in “cyberspace” — is […]
Archives for October 2013
Moving and Shaking With Corgi Connection of Kansas!
A few weeks ago, rescued Ellie Belle and her pups made their Daily Corgi debut. Last weekend, six of her beautiful babies went to live with their new families. Check out the Corgi Connection of Kansas facebook page for some sweet photos of these happy beginnings. The big, BIG news for Corgi Connection right now […]
Denby Dog: Changing Hearts, Opening Minds
Some stories are best told by the people who have lived them. Daily Corgi reader Denise Baker of Ojai, California graces the blog today with the true life tale of her remarkable Denby Dog. Denise and Denby in 2007 photo: Ventura County Star Everyone who lives with a Corgi thinks their Corgi is extra special. […]
Vintage Corgi Goodness: 1956
I love ephemera — especially when it involves dogs! Even better when those dogs are Corgis. An eagled-eye reader recently sent me this booklet, published in the U.S. and dated 1956. Although the earnestly authoritative tone feels dated and the Cardigans are given short shrift in the visuals (though they are discussed), this is a […]
Catching Up with CorgiPals
Good morning Corgi Nation, and welcome to my weekly guest spot on The Daily Corgi! I am your host Paige K. Davis, founder of CorgiPals. As you know, every week I do a guest post to keep you up to snuff with the goings-on in the CorgiPals world. First, I’d like to put the spotlight on one […]
Pembrokes Wow the Crowds at Meet the Breeds 2013
In a field of more than 200 purebred dogs (and cats) at NYC’s Javits Center, Pembroke Welsh Corgis stole hearts and strutted their short stuff at AKC’s Meet The Breeds 2013. The event, now in its fifth year, brings purebreds to the public for meeting, greeting and up-close Q & A with owners and breeders. […]
Corgi Huddle: Kroket and Crew
Clearly making plans. Crafty Corgis! twitter/@mestified
Saturday Smiler: Cordè of the Philippines
Video Biscuit: Epic Battle of Corgi Vs. Water Hose
Corgi Connection Has Puppy Lift-off!
Ellie was the second pregnant female Corgi Connection of Kansas took in this past Summer. She had her pup mixes in mid-August, and six of the eight will be adopted out this weekend. Motherly words of wisdom. The ears on this one are clearly CORGI powered. Watch out for stiff breezes, little Ziva! Mama knows […]