Since the invention of the dastardly “cone of shame”, we’ve been asking that question. Sure, it’s functional. Yes, it keeps a dog from licking his stitchy-itchy spots. But it really puts the cramp in a guy’s game. Ladies, it’s temporary! My paw to doG, they’re minting my medal as I speak. I’ll buff that bad boy ’til it shines, mark my bark.
When I’m not watching football on TV, helping my Dad in the stockroom, supervising things in the domestic dietary department, or making my way through the heaps of toys and biscuits my admirers (and Tucky’s) have sent, I’m all yours. Line forms to the right, no pushing. There is plenty of me to go around!
For the un-initiated (there must be somebody who hasn’t heard the story yet), check out my first-ever Daily Corgi post. If you’d like to send me and the family a holiday card, check out the facebook page for the scoop on that particular poop.
A shift at Dad’s shop today and a follow-up visit to the vet have taken a lot out of me. Oh, and carrying this plastic nonsense around. That’s ten and-a-half kinds of thrilling. Can you tell by the look on my face? One way or another, this thing is coming off.
Over and out, Corgi Strong!
Toby the Hero
Oh no, the cone!! Can you get the kind that looks like an inner tube? You blow it up. Much softer, you have a lot more mobility, but it still does the job. Get well soon, you have been so brave.
Dill Corgi
Oh no, the cone! Can you get the kind that looks like an inner tube? You blow it up. Much softer and allows for more mobility but still does the job. Get well soon, you have been very brave.
Dill Corgi
Oh Toby you poor little Corgi as if you have not been through enough already you are cursed with the cone of shame. Just not fitting for Toby the brave. It will be gone soon stay strong my brave little guys,Corgi on.
Not the cone of shame! LOL! It will be off soon. SO happy you are doing better!
poor baby.. bless his little heart..
Fill it with toys and treats and rename it the funnel of love.
My Corgi, Scooter, was obsessed with licking his front paw. Then, he stopped for awhile. Several months ago, his Daddy (my sweet husband) passed away, and Scooter is grieving, as I am and he licks that paw at every given opportunity. I have to put a cone on him but our vet has a soft, fabric-type cone; nothing like the old-fashioned, stiff, plastic things. It doesn't inhibit his activities and he can't get to his paw. It's a Godsend for Scooter, right now.