Psssst. Hey you.
Yeah … you! You’re a pet lover, right? Maybe not dogs or cats, perhaps ferrets are more your speed. Or teddy bear hamsters. If you love your pet and you have an irresistible need to blog about it, or (like me) want to hear other people’s pet stories and share them with the world, the BlogPaws 2014 Conference is for you.
Truth? The nuts and bolts of blogging as a business or a serious hobby may seem simple.
They’re not.
It takes more than love and a laptop to start and keep a blog going. Especially a blog you expect other people to read.
The way I went about my blogging journey, I learned a lot of things the hard way. And I’m still learning. Quit learning and you’re through. Wherever you are in your journey — ready to begin, ready to grow, ready to grow BIGGER — the BlogPaws Conference is a can’t miss event.
I’ll miss it this year because my 18 year-old cat needs me and we are embarassingly co-dependent. Being apart for a few days might kill us both. So you won’t see me there, but you, well you should think about this. It is nothing short of awesome to be around people who understand your dream because they share it. And many of them bring their own dogs. Or cats. Or ferrets.
Very well behaved ferrets.
Sweeten the pot, you say? May in Las Vegas. Bring your bathing suit. Work a little, play a lot, learn a ton. Hear social media expert, strategist and all around force of nature Lena West captivate a ballroom full of people (and pets) with her wisdom and major league mojo. What happens in Vegas? It’s all up to you. Invest in yourself. Be inspired. Get actionable advice from experts. (Actionable. That’s a fun word!) This conference is for folks like us. People chasing something unusual. People just crazy enough to think they should write. Write out LOUD! About ANIMALS! For thousands of other people! And — just maybe — getting some coin for your efforts.
No guarantees on that one. You’ve got to be in this for the love of it, first and foremost. There is no way to outlast the fear, periods of burnout and boredom, exhaustion, ups and downs of blogging without unquenchable passion for what you do. Fake it and you will not make it. Going on five years of doing this, I can assure you of that.
Still reading? Still think you’ve got the stuff? You probably do. You just need to know what to DO with it. Or bring it to the next level. This will help. Seriously.
Did I mention how good the food is at this shindig? Oh, it’s good. And there are vegetarian options. So pack your appetite and go.
Just go. And when you’re back, tell me how it was. I’d love to hear all about it.
p.s. No compensation provided by the good people at Pet360 or BlogPaws or the inimitable Lena West. I just want to give them a shout-out, because they have done much to help me build my blog and blogging confidence over the past several years, and I’m grateful for it.
p.p.s. VEGAS BABY, yeeeaaaah!
Love this, live this, you rock. Passing this on.