Archives for May 2014
#Corgi Smile Cam: Bentley!
Thursday Adoptables: Buddy the #Corgi!
Buddy came to Corgi Connection of Kansas through an on-line posting. He was being given away for free. The woman who had him apparently saw this adorable little boy get tossed from a car. She stopped and scooped him up. Some time after that, Buddy was reportedly shot! In spite of his hard luck, Buddy […]
Did somebody say RUMP Day?
Dickens and friend. A very cheeky photo!
One Woof Wednesday: Lizzie!
Copyright Paw Prints Charming Pet Photography
Catching Up With CorgiPals
Good morning Corgi Nation, and welcome to my weekly guest spot on The Daily Corgi! I am your host Paige K. Davis, founder of CorgiPals. As you know, every week I do a guest post to keep you up to snuff with the goings-on in the CorgiPals world. First I want to wish everyone a Happy […]
Happy Memorial Day!
The Daily Corgi is observing the holiday and will return tomorrow. Welcome (almost) Summer! Sparkle demonstrates the art of cooling the belly. Thanks, Lisa L.!
Saturday #Corgi Smiler: Charlie of Iowa!
In his world, it’s always food o’ clock.
Jasper Islington’s Adventures in Weight Loss!
I’ve always been a fairly laid back, happy go lucky Corgi but I wanted to talk about something that I had to deal with, that a fair number of us have to face: being a “Floor Sausage”. Mum and Da were always careful about what I ate, but somehow, when no one was looking, I […]