Jasper is a real character. A Corgi among Corgis, a dog of a thousand faces, and the force behind the burgeoning media empire that IS Jasper Islington! In a Daily Corgi exclusive, this proud alum (he was profiled back in 2011), reveals how it all began and what life looks today from atop his short — but spectacular — view of the world.
So little man, take it away!
* * * * *
It all began normally enough. Mum held me on her lap and
Da took a really bad cell phone pic. I don’t think any of us knew what
we were in for.
Da took a really bad cell phone pic. I don’t think any of us knew what
we were in for.
My name is Jasper Islington and I am a pure bred “fluffy factor” Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Am I a fluffy? No. Da had been telling everyone I was “part fluffy” but the breeder finally told him being “part fluffy” is like being “part pregnant.” Fluffy Factor just means I have fluffy tendencies — longer hair and the like — but not the signature look of a fluffy.
Once I got to my new home and settled in, there were a few pictures here and there. Just a few.
As you can see, one of my ears had a few challenges. Nothing a bit of masking tape couldn’t fix.
Sooner or later (let’s wager on sooner), Mum and Da noticed something they weren’t expecting and not quite prepared for: my wide array of facial expressions. Whether I was pleased, unhappy, frustrated, bored or anything else, it was clear. Da picked up a slightly better camera to try and catch me in the act so he could make sure Mum and their friends and family got to see everything.

This lead to what I like to call “The Great Change”. The beginning of my life on the internet. I was at the dog park and someone mentioned that their dog had a Facebook page. I didn’t know what that meant, but that changed REAL fast. Da started taking many more pictures, with a still better camera, of me and my adventures.
To be fair, I am a wee bit of a ham so I really liked it. Within a few days I could proudly proclaim “I am Jasper Islington and I approve this facebook page.”
Now I always knew that Corgis are a very special breed, but it was immediately clear that a LOT of people knew this too. I had no idea the force was so strong in the Corgiverse! I have met so many other Corgis and Corgi owners. I’ve even been able to connect with my actual brother, as well as a half-brother and two cousins on Facebook.
But the pictures … I still think this is the best part. Some of Mum’s favorites are the “Fruit Centric Mind Meld” series. The moment any kind of fruit is in out and in play, I know. And I let Mum know that I know. We’ve got a vibe, a thing goin’ on.
Some of Da’s favorites are the “Corgi Human Domination” series. They speak for themselves.
It was these pictures that paved the way to the big time. I found out about The Daily Corgi and Obsessive Corgi Disorder and started submitting pictures there. After much encouragement, I even started a Tumblr blog and a YouTube channel. I sometimes show up on reddit as well. Did you know that reddit even has a section just for Corgis? It has more subscribers than any other breed!
Personally, my favorite photos are the most ridiculous and silly ones.
The pictures that people seem to like the most are still what I started with; the most expressive little face I know.
So what have I gained through all this exposure? It really is all the people I’ve been able to connect with from around the world. Between Facebook and tumblr, I’ve connected with people from every state in the US, all the provinces in Canada and 74 countries from Australia to India to Lithuania to South Africa to Vietnam.
To everyone out there who enjoys my pictures and videos, THANK YOU! Your comments, feedback and messages make it worth every second …

… even when Da wakes me up to take yet another picture.
BOL under the coffee table is my fav place. Have a marvelous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Thanks. I now know quite a bit more about Jasper. His face surely is capable of many expressions. Wonder if he has considered a role in Hollywood?
Adorable! I have a 9 year old Pembroke who is wonderful!
Any tips on how to rrduce shedding?
I think my Taffy (Pembroke, non-fluffy but does have the expression gene!) shares Jasper's addiction to fruit! This was a delight to read, the pics are wonderful! Very creative and enjoyable! Thanks!
I love you Jasper!!! You were one of my first corgi friends when my Yuki Corgi FB page was created!
I remember I loved you sooooo much I personally fb messaged your owner to tell him how much I LOVED you!
Jake and Bandit asked Ronni to share a Haiku as thanks for the many wonderfuly photos.
Expressive corgi
Fluffy of one thousand looks
Ever loving Da.
No paper apocolypse references? *wink*