Has it really been a year already since the last one?
Three hundred and sixty-five days have passed.
Where did they all GO?
Mack and Maya
By this time, all your gifts are wrapped. (Right?)
With help from the you-know-whos, of course.
Because Corgis …
Duke, Bella and Earl (professional beggars all)
… are always so helpful …
Daisy Monsoon
… and hopeful …
Bob and Lola Corgi
… and often funny …
New Jersey Welsh Corgi Club
… and game for a laugh. Or a dozen of ’em.
Piper and Sophie
And friends are swellegant, too.
Yay! Double yay! Let’s hear it for friends.
When all is said and done, there’s no place like home for the holidays.
Sir Mikkey
Wherever and whoever home is. Because home is where the heart is.
Yes, the smart money’s on that. Follow your heart home.
Wally and Molly
Gifts, one and all.
Merry Christmas to you and your family! What a great post, filled with laughter, and appreciation of an awesome dog breed 🙂 Best wishes on a happy and healthy 2016!!
Judy & Max
What can I say? I have tears.
Beautiful music! I leisurely scrolled down reading…enlarged New Jersey and saw a nervous (but welcomed,I'm sure) infiltrate – back row, third from the left, the cutie! 🙂
Beloved Hali took me into tear mode as I thought of my beloveds…
The butt ornament brought some composure as I continued on through this beautifully composed and written Holiday corgi blog.
What a nice closure; Gracie, Murray, Laurie, Higgins…and cheese.
You are loved. Thank you!
Now I have some bellies to go rub!
Merry, MERRY!
Merry Christmas, Lori. I absolutely love your blog and get so excited when I find a new post. Praying you have a wonderful holiday full of love and cheer.
Laurie! Perfection!
Laurie! Perfection!
Laurie! Perfection!
thanks Laurie! this was wonderful!
Thank you Laurie! Merry Christmas from me and Duffy!
Thanks, Laurie!! Much love from Rugby James and I! <3