Big happy things are a-brewin’ for The Daily Corgi, my friends.
Bright-eyed, bouncy and new, newer, NeWeST things!
Got your attention yet?
Thought so!
The blog will be daily again in just a few weeks. As I mentioned in last week’s post, there will be some new bells and whistles. Extra features are in the works, along with bold colors, fresh design, and smell-o-vision.
(OK, that last one was a lie).
Whoop-dee-do! I’m having fun.
Sure feels good to be coming back.
Mighty, mighty goooooood!
Care to join me? Join the Daily Corgi mailing list today and don’t miss a beat of the action.
I’ll never share your name or e-mail address, not even for all the root beer barrels in the world.
(No ma’am, I’ll never spam!)
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You must respond to the quick confirmation message that will arrive in your in-box AFTER you submit the form. This mandatory second step confirms your e-mail address and adds you to the mailing list.
It’s a two-step process.
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Thanks and Corgi On!
Love your blog. Still looking for a puppy.