Can you handle more smilers? When I go Corgi Smile-a-Palooza, I go BIG. What other way is there? Corgis are big dogs. (In smaller bodies). They are kings and queens of the lawn, the dog park, the backyard, and most of all our hearts. More of their gorgeous grins are on the way for next week, because when you post the very best, you post CORGIS! (And when you ask people to send you Corgi pics, they do. They really, really do). If you sent in pic(s) and heard from me that they would appear on the blog, yes — they still will. Hold tight and keep an eye open next week!
I’ll see you back here on Monday. If you can’t live a day without some Daily Corgi mojo, visit the Facebook page for more. There are nearly 45,000 followers, but honest to goodness it’s like a big living room with a huge pit sofa alongside a cozy fire. And Corgis. And a lot of nice people. A lot of laughing, a little crying, and more Corgis than almost anywhere else on the internet. I hang out there a lot. Those folks are my Facebook tribe, and every single day they rock my socks.
Happy weekend! Love and biscuits, y’all.








Max, STORYtime and Howie-Grinch

Louis and Honey


Jake and Lentil

Brandy at the beautiful Lake Champlain


Chief Leaf


Melwlith. Have wheels, will roll!


Tango and Kiri


Thank you for posting all these smiles! I want to cut every one of them out and post them on my bathroom mirror so they’re the first thing I see every day!!
I can’t believe Dill and Josh got in on the same day!!
Each photo is so precious and each little face so unique. A joy to see.
Thank you for the beautiful smiles. They all are so gorgeous!!!
Corgi On!!
So good to see my boy as the top dog! He’s smiling at the Bridge for sure! Lovely new bog!