Bruiser, Gus and Lily
There’s a lot of visual goodness that streams in via the Daily Corgi Facebook page. Every now and then I divert a little here, because not everybody has Facebook (wHaT?!). There are upwards of 45,000 of you hanging out at the Facebook page, but is there ever TOO MUCH Corgi Power?
Uhm, methinks mot. You won’t catch me claiming that. I’d be the last obsessively Corgi-disordered person to suggest that. It’s heresy, I tell you! Heresy covered in fur!
Forthwith, more Patriotic Corgis. Because darn it, I am fond of my country. Fireworks not so much, but Corgis n’ stars n’ stripes? Bring it on!
E pluribus corgum.

Lucy of Massachusetts got a tubbie and a new bandana on the occasion of America’s birthday.Beautiful!


Corgi Club participated in the Telluride Town Parade in Colorado. Photo: Ginger Sirin

Corgi Club’s “float” for the Telluride Town Parade in Colorado. Photo: Ginger Sirin

Prince Theodore


Bullitt may be an old timer, but he still knows how to party!

Zip McNubbins

My Corgi, ’tis of thee, sweet dog of liberty, of thee I sing.
I love all the patriotic corgis! What fun!
Oh how precious each Corgi is. The outfits were so unique. Not even Bullitt could be held back from participating in the celebrations. Just lovely.
Can’t ever see too many patriotic Corgis!
Corgis make everything fun!