amebly.jp / amba.to/2a7F4ST
Oh yeah, I can derp. I can derp with the BEST of ’em! Wanna see?

Pinterest bit.ly/2arPpeJ
Derp + head tilt? I call this advanced derping. You’re welcome.

Pinterest / bit.ly/2a7GBs8
This here derp brings ALL the mail carriers to my yard. Can they resist? No.

Pinterest / bit.ly/2ajsouG
What’s a derp? (says the young derp-ing prodigy) I don’t know nuttin’ ’bout no derps.

Obsessive Corgi Disorder / bit.ly/2auX1OA
Pardon me. Do you have any Grey Poupon? (Rich guy derp).

Buzzfeed / bzfd.it /2affUDA
Full body derp, anybody? (For your fancy pants people, it’s in-DERP-retive dance).

Pinterest / bit.ly/2aeXvDO
What “please don’t feed the animals” sign? I see nothing. Not even that that half sandwich in your back pocket. Nope.

Pinterest / bit.ly/2ajt9Un

Pinterest / bit.ly/2acWoa5
Synchronized full body DERPS-itude, now with intermediate cheese ball points!

Pinterest / bit.ly/2acWoa5
Hey buddy, take a picture. It’ll last longer.
The End
Each derp is so lovely.
Puppy derps are the derpiest!
You’ve made me SO happy, to see so many perfect Cardis –(because they are such HAPPY Cardis), so loving and so loved, astonishing little workhorse dogs, the “somehow-cousins” to our own rescue, Gracie — who is now 12!
With all love, and gratitude to all of Corgi Nation, but especially to YOU, Laurie. It is simply and physically impossible to view any images or words on The Daily Corgi without becoming happier, more elevated in affect, more positive in perspective. (I’m a psychologist, a doctor even! Thus you should heed me, and you quote me … )
Love ever from Ann, the “Mom” of Gracie the rescue-(who-knows?) Cardi mix, — who is now 12! (And gorgeously “black with white”!)
Thanks Laurie, I always feel just a little lighter after I’ve visited you, I did have a little shot of concern this time about the little fella behind the fence with the row of barbed wire. ??? Just wondering about it.
Lloyd, I can’t believe I missed that! Had I seen it before, I’d have opted to omit it. A great derp face blinded me to the barbs. I will be sure to keep a better eye out going forward.