Dear friends,
I’m back! And I couldn’t be happier about it.
But a funny thing happened on the way to my vacation.
Four days into it, a good friend told me I did not relax well, which explained the ambient gloom that had beset my easy, breezy, chili-con-cheesy days of late summer vacation. That whole scene was shimmying down the tubes of a Very Foul Mood, and fast.
Strictly entre nous, after fifty years of rarely relaxing well, the fact that I’m STILL not good at it comes as a surprise to me.
A gosh darned affront, even!
What do you MEAN I can’t relax? I cry foul, with a hefty side of outrage on simmer. Here is where I register my official seal of Extraordinary Corgi Disapproval.
But it’s true. Sadly, yes. I do not relax well. Nope. Le nope.
(And Nope and Noper 2.0, this time I’m wicked serious).
It’s more than that, though. Because my work — this blog and all that has sprung from it in the first seven years — are more than just work for me. It’s become so much more than just a blog. I once fancied myself capable of balancing work and personal life, a veritable nimble veteran, but much as it ought to be that way, it’s miles short of true. In fact, it’s so UN-true, you might even call it false. Nothing doing.
Mister, that bird might whistle but she sure won’t fly!
This work — the blog and the community and everything that’s come with it — has actually saved my life and (mostly) my sanity. It’s drawn to me a family of friends and acquaintances I would not have otherwise known, opportunities to be of service, and perhaps best of all, rescued me from the discouraging prospect of a life on disability forty years old.

iphoto.com / istockpho.to/2buIVNf
Which, trust me, is just not a fun life in any way, shape or form. No matter what they say. I’m still on it, but having this to do is a game changer.
Who knew all of this lay ahead when I got the nutty notion in 2009 that if I talked about Corgis on the internet every day, PEOPLE WOULD ACTUALLY WANT TO READ IT? Total madness! Utter malarkey! Stuff and nine kinds of nonsense! Why, you’d have to be a dyed in the wool dreamer to think such a contraption — a blog about Corgis everyday — would actually have legs. Short legs, but still …
It did.
It does.
I’m that kind of dreamer.
The ever so slightly doofus-y kind.
This unusual work lets me be me in some of the ways I like best. I get to write, I get to make friends, I get to pun (not always well, I admit). I get to go on and on about Corgis and not bore anybody, bless you (and you and you and you). I get to connect people and lead them to a bit of shared happiness, or at least the comfort of knowing they aren’t the only ones nutters for Corgis. I get to be a part-time extrovert, when in fact I am usually perfectly, even pointedly happy with my own company.
But only when I’m feeling good. (Ah, there’s the rub).
And this feels good, writing to you again. I haven’t met you face to face, but I flatter myself with the notion that our minds and hearts meet here. All because of Corgis. Oy. I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Seven years of writing about Corgis and some days I feel I’ve only just begun.

BuzzFeed / bzfd.it/2cjZNaA
It’s Corgis! You get it. You just do, amen and pass the peas.
That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ to it. It’s all true, including (shhhh) the fact that I started working on this week’s posts a week into the vacation, because I needed my Daily Corgi fix.
I’m so glad to be back I’m actually a little teary. Hopelessly cheeseball.
Let’s roll, everybody!
p.s. Digging the Corgi sailor theme? Sign up here for tomorrow’s Tuesday Corgi Newsday e-mail newsletter and see more of them. Each week is a different theme, and tomorrow’s is Corgi sailors. You’re welcome.
It is time that you get your very own Corgi! There is nothing quite like going on vacation with one. You will never have a bad vacation again!
You may have a point there, Virginia.
Welcome back, I did miss you and the blog. I start every day with a cup of coffee and the Daily Corgi, and something isn’t right if either one is missing.
See?! That’s what I missed, Anne. Knowing i was part of a nutritious breakfast for dozens of people. But seriously, thank you! I will never get tired of hearing that.
Your writing is a delight and stories and pics bring daily smiles for me and so many others! Thank you! So much….. ❤️ Deborah
The Daily Corgi, my daily newspapers AND a cuppa joe! That’s what I’m talking about!
Hooray! My mission is accomplished. Thats exactly what I hope to do. Bring laughter and smiles into the world.
Laurie, visualize hundreds of smiling faces (heck, probably thousands since we all share The Daily Corgi). Yup, that’s what you do for us. Sending out Corgi smiles right back at ya.
I prefer not to think about thousands, it gives me stage fright! If I just imagine there are 12 or 15 of us in the living room, that works best. Still, if you insist …
Somehow, just somehow, I am not surprised…but you can’t do everything well, so I’m glad you do this so well!!!
Welcome back!
I knew you were busy…”thinking”….heh, heh, heh!!!!
Love you, carry on, corgigirl!
Love, JB
I am (oh so selfishly) glad you are back! We, the lovers of corgis, get it. It is as necessary to us as breathing. It raises us up, gives pause to smile, to belly laugh and glory in the world of corgi. We cry when a corgi leaves one of us, we share the joy when one finds his/her forever home. You bring us together.
Now, about that relax thing, corgis do that perfectly. Maybe a research study on corgis relaxing?
Welcome back!
Welcome back! The past two weeks have been tough for me too. My two Corgis have tried to fill the gap, but they refuse to wear cute costumes!
A lot of self-respecting Corgis refuse to wear them, Connie. The ones who do generally expect snicky snacks for their trouble, but there are a few who downright enjoy it. Hams for the cams!
There is a school of thought among some of my entrepreneur friends that work/life balance is a myth. A big bucket of Corgi-poop, if you like. (And I have SEEN the bucket!)
There is only life.
Spend it it ways that make you happy, that enrich yourself and the lives of those around you. Do what you love when you love doing it. Make time for the people in your life, and make time for the passions in your life. Sometimes they’ll even overlap.
<3 You *do* realize that this was the pot calling the kettle black, right? I *also* do not do relaxing on vacation… 😀
I wasn’t sure, but it is good to know you relate, sister.
Welcome back! I’m glad you missed us because I missed you too! The internets are just not the same without you! 😉
I don’t think you realize what a positive, joyous effect the Daily Corgi has on people- corgi owners or not.
How many readers have written to say they can’t start their days without reading your blog?
I am one of them. Welcome back, Laurie.
Ditto Max – Corgi, duh and I love YOU AND THIS SITE!!!
THANK YOU! I try to put up on the internet exactly what I’d like to find. To attract other goobers like me. My cunning plan unfolds day by day … mwahahaha!
I am in on the “you need a Corgi” bandwagon, Laurie. Why not a rescue? So many of our little friends out there who need a compassionate person to love them, warts and all. Go for it!!
Warts on a Corgi? Whaaahhh??? LOL.
I live with three cats in a small condo without so much as a tiny balcony right now. So it’s really bad timing Anne. Only one of the cats is mine, but we’re already over the two-pet limit. SOMEDAY!
Great job as always….keep up the good work & always corgi on…Corgi strong…
Thanks Denise! Corgis giving me a reason to get out of bed in the mornings, once again it’s business as usual.
I love The Daily Corgi blog and the Tuesday email. I really missed you last week
Your writing makes me laugh out loud! And the many photos make me smile.