Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorg …

… then be a unicorg!

Pinterest /
The lesser known uniloaf.
They told me I could be anything I wanted. So I became a unicorg.
We both kissed the same frog. Love is so random.
What?! Being a Corgi got too complicated.
I know you are, but what am I?
Unicorgs poop rainbows and glitter. Wanna see?

Ventus the Corgi / Instagram
Some run with the wolves. Others canoodle with the unicorns.

tumblr / Ventus The Corgi
Try not to judge.

tumblr / Marcel Le Corgi
Yes, I am a unicorn. A badass unicorn.
Oh yeah? Well I don’t believe in humans either.

Obsessive Corgi Disorder
And neither do I.
Adorable!!! Great job Laurie!!! So cute!! Thank you for the daily smile!
Oh just too precious.
Just when you think Corgis can’t get any cuter – they turn into UniCorgs!! Who even knew?!