Chessy in Tennysea loved bow ties, and with his coloring, he looked like he was wearing a tux all the time anyway.
Colton of Club Corgi
Bow Blackwell of Barry, South Wales
Princess Nellie
Elwood. Shaken, not stirred.
The Flamingo Brothers (aka Tucker and Tate) on the red carpet at the recent “Fur Ball”, a San Diego Humane Societies’ black tie fundraiser. The theme was “Flamenco”. They say they misunderstood. Corgis, always the clowns!
Riley and his first girlfriend Minnie.
Say hi to Sir Winston Henry! He’s from Southern California and loves sporting his bow ties in the sunshine.
Minnesota’s own Chilli
Murphy Lee Silver, four months old and living the Corg Life in Nashville, Tennessee!
From his puppy graduation ceremony. Go dog Go!
In his pool at the Jersey Shore, Henry McNubbins is a very dapper dog.
Gideon is a Floridian.
Colton of Club Corgi
Anabel of South Austalia
Oliver of South Australia
This is Mozzie from Bridge City, Texas. Mom Desiree writes: “I can hear ZZ Top’s song “Sharp Dressed Man” playing in the background. Of course I may be partial … “
Bob Corgi
Colton of Club Corgi
Each one so uniqe and adorably cute.
Nothing is cuter than a Corgi clad in a bow tie! Great collection once again!
Fergus says thanks. This a great-looking buch of guy ties and ther corgis!
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Send them to thedailycorgi@gmail.com
Awesome as always!! All handsome but so love Darby!!!