My friends, I have nothing to give you but love and plenty of Corgi grins. In my world, that’s more than enough. Enjoy!

Ike, Iago and Hudson

Giuseppe of Virgnia Beach

Milo of Florida


Colby of Missouri


Penuche. That’s pe-NOO-chee to you.

Chloe Anne and Mike

Max TheCorgs

Louie Jack

Two Buck Chuck loves to pay hide and seek. Shhhhh nobody can see him.

Henry of New Hampshire

Harvey with his rosette, after winning ‘Handsomest Dog age 5-8’ at the Chiswick House Dog Show (West London, UK ( in 2015. His humans aren’t really dog show people, but report that it was a fun dog show, all for charity, including mutts and waggiest tail competitions and even a “biggest rugby fan” award (because the Rugby World Cup was going on at that time just up the road). Harvs also spent time at the Chiswick show as part of the Corgi Grotto showcase, which was a place where people could cuddle corgis (they are considered a rare breed in the UK, and most people never get to meet one). Can you IMAGINE that?!

Copper, Sidney and Connie of California



Max, Tigger and Rosie of California

Nia of Massachusetts

Shasta is ready to get this paw-ty started.

Bentley, Penny and Sue


Noodles at the Oregon coast

Lucy is happy at the lake.

Miss Rayne Day

Copper and Zoe

Fidget enjoys a trail hike.

Oh what a joy to see all these smiling Corgis. Bless you Henry / Harvs for making people aware of how scarce Corgis are in the UK. It is your royal territory! Wonderful to read that Corgi Groto Showcase is a place to go and cuddle Corgis. I would be there all day!! All the photos of smiling Corgis are simply CORG-eous.
Such a happy post today! Thanks for the feature! 🙂
Love it!
Thank you, Laurie for posting Noodles beach picture! He sure does love spending time in the sand, just not the ocean.
I love all the smiling corgis!