It’s that time of the year again, when the white stuff falls and keeps us inside more often than we’d like. Snow day, weekend day, any day can be a “we’re bored, MOM” kind of weather day.
Donuts, breakfast of champions.
Get away with stuff.
Mid-morning nap!
Dream of world domination.
Piss off the cat.
Share your painfully cute facebook timeline movie with friends.
Wear the big boy shoes.
Bark at absolutely nothing.
Gaze out the window and sigh loudly until they let you out.
Two minutes later, beg to be let back in.
Grab the remote, fall asleep on the sofa.
Share the toys. Or not.
Alert the family to would-be bandits.
Hearing test. The humans need all kinds of looking after.
Fake distress over Scrabble while plotting game winning 72 point play.
More love. More napping.
Adorable 🙂
my old corgi would say FOOD (especially a carrot) and looking out the window… + ofcourse snuggle, best in a blanket with me…. and then more food (maybe som raw meat)