Alfie is all about the Christmas cheer!
Dodger, Fagin and Poppy McFuzz charm the Big Guy.
Winston, seriously dapper in his bowtie!
Byron and Fergie: CHEESE! Seriously … will there be a cheese plate?
Hey, it’s Cooper Claus!
Kymball found something fishy under the Christmas tree!
Georgie in her first Christmas finery.
Gracie: “You promised no cameras!”
Sidney to Santa: Yes, I am irresistible. No, you cannot take me home.
Step aside, Rudolph! Riley and Tegwyn are all muffled up and ready to pull the sleigh.
Hank lives up to his billing!
Cubby da Fluff is LOVING Christmas!
Telly and Gwenny, no doubt jingling the bells up at the Rainbow Bridge!
Ein and Lita, ready to “guard” Santa’s milk and cookies.
Petey the Okie Pembroke has a very shiny nose!
Lucy, decked and dolled for the howl-i-day.
Band tried really hard to stay awake for Santa Paws.
Toby, taking charge of Santa’s collected cookie stash!
Herbie says enough with the pictures, bring on the NOMS!
Dixie basks in the light, showing off her glossy coat.
Albus puts the ‘pantaloony’ in the Perfectly Pantaloony Pem Christmas!
It’s a FLUFF-tastic Christmas at Darby’s place.
Dodger’s workin’ them antlers!
Bob guards the “drop zone”; anything Santa drops here is fair game!
Lucy and Matilda have NO idea where the reindeer biscuits went.
After meeting Ginja, I think I know what Santa wants for Christmas!
Reggie’s not short, the tree is just really TALL!
Bailey, suited for elf (or biscuit) duty!
Handsome Stuart and Spongebob Santa.
Santa Paws? Carly is there with bells on!
Fire or no fire, Zachary knows how to light up a room.
Emmy, just as pretty as you please!
Sophie and friends on Santa stake out. Party under the tree!
Sammi Dean proudly shows Santa his elfin ears!
Corgis like Quincy really class up the ol’ Christmas card!
Every day is Christmas with the likes of Hudson and Brodie around!
Twinkly-eyed Ziva gives Santa a run for his money.
Cane and Poppet, officially too cute for their own good!
Lola and Cardi “brother” Stormy.
Little Llyr took his Christmas duties very seriously.
Frasier and the tree skirt. There’s a story there somewhere!
Spaghetti meets Santa Claws!
Rosie and Rocky. No word on how long those accessories lasted after the photo op!
Nikki made sure Santa knows to bring rawhide and milkbones.
Molly loves to nestle on the silver lame. Glamour girl!
Claire enjoys the sweet smell of the tree.
Connor charms the First Couple of Christmas.
The Zephyr pupsters celebrate their first Christmas a few years back:
Love them all! So happy to see my Winston on the blog! <3 Merry Chrsitmas and barOoOoOo!
Love this collection! Molly (on the silver lamé) now has her sister Bonnie to keep her company. Merry Christmas to all!
All I can say is Wow! Great photos. Make me smile. Cherished Corgis.
Thanks for posting the pic of Sophie (with her pals) under the tree. Today is her 9th birthday and that was a great surprise!
After ten years we’re still trying to work out how to get Camrun to pose for pictures. Getting two Corgis to sit still on a sled deserves a Nobel Prize……