What’s better than a Corgi smiling?
A smiling Corgi wearing a noggin’ topper.
What’s better than that first cup of coffee on a Monday morning?
That’s right, The Daily Corgi. Back after a hiatus for technical difficulty. (Sorry about that).
Friends, it’s time to get your Corgi ON again!
Let’s roll …


familypet.com / bit.ly/2jUCkj6

Buzzfeed /bzfd.it/2jeIyqX

Pinterest / bit.ly/2ivwjUK

talenthounds.com / bit.ly/2jmtYQt


Buzzfeed / bzfd.it/2joBGcH

Pinterest / bit.ly/2jUt6TV

Pinterest / bit.ly/2jzhvGm

Wally, by Marc Dalangin / bit.ly/2iXVIYk
Each one so unique and oh so special.