Summertime and the livin’ is Corgi.
Happy Friday and have a great weekend everybody!

Instagram/Sneakers The Corgi
Sit. Stay. Smile!
By Laurie Eno
Summertime and the livin’ is Corgi.
Happy Friday and have a great weekend everybody!
Instagram/Sneakers The Corgi
If a hunky Welsh Corgi on a windswept beach is your idea of a celebrity snapshot, welcome home! My name is Laurie Eno and I invite you to the tribe.
Hi! I love your posts, but your tags on many of these photos do not credit the original owner of the photo. For instance, the first photo is clearly @ellielovesfetch, (it even has her watermark!) but was found from a repost by @threecorgis. Also, the last photo is also Ellie, along with Knives (knivesthecorgi) and Machetez (machetezthecorgi) but you’ve credited somewhere else. Thanks for taking the time to seek out original owners, and to credit correctly!
Thanks for pointing this out. I will be more diligent going forward.
Looking cool and CORG-eous.
Those Corgis are too cool for school! I can’t get Loki to wear sunglasses or go in the pool! He does however, love sprinklers!