Devastatingly handsome x 2.
Meet nine year-old Mingus, a red-and-white Pem of few words …
“Coltrane, on the other hand, came from a big litter of pups and thinks that there is nothing better than a dogpile.”
“He has no respect for personal space and is grouchy in the morning. After he is fed he likes to go back to sleep, usually under the bed.”
“In the house, Cole has an army of stuffed toys. He carries them around the house, squeaks them, and tries to get us all to play with him. His favorites are the hedgehog and orange hammer.”
“At human dinner time, he goes to get a stuffed animal and brings it to the table with him. He tries to trade it for some food.”
“Although this doesn’t work on me, I believe my husband might be encouraging this behavior.”
The (stubby) End.
Absolutely precious.