This is Cadi. She’s small for a Corgi but what she lacks in size she makes up for in energy and spirit.
Although she loves her family to bits, this shelter-adopted sweetheart welcomed the arrival of Mr. Finnegan as a companion Corgi. Like him, she is a big fan of apples.
Could you resist this face? Me neither.
When Mr. Finnegan first came to live with his people, this shy-at-first boy didn’t know the joy of chewing on bones and such. He’s since made up for lost time in that department, and Greenies are a favorite gnaw.

Mom is a self-taught fiber artist whose chosen medium is rug hooking. She does some really super custom work through her on-line etsy shop.
Dad doling out the lovin’s.
Cadi and Mr. Finnegan are home and hearth Corgis. There’s a lot of love to go around, and it runs both ways!
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A four-paw salute to our Monday Dogs Of The day!
VIVE TOUJOURS LES CHIENS! Corgis semper fi! They are cute as I don't know what! Anita