Three year-old Illinois Pembroke Blue is a “hyper-awareness dog” and certified Search and Rescue companion. His nickname is The Bagel Bandito because of all the baked goods he loves, bagels are his favorites.
And he steals them.
Here he is with his first-ever Christmas bone. Look at those EYES!
He’s not averse to the occasional cat bath. Corgi-licious!
Little brother Sparxicis (pronounced “Spark-E-Kiss”) was born on November 19th. According to Dad Richard C., “Sparxy” is a lot more stubborn than Blue and goes until he falls asleep. He loves to wrestle with Blue, chase popcorn, and eat bits of doughnuts.
“Just enjoy the view.” He’s also become something of a ladies’ man. Easy to see why, with this face.
When Sparxy bugs Blue too much, his big brother picks him up by the harness and delivers him to a nearby adult’s lap.
He used to drop him in the trash can instead.
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Welcome to The Daily Corgi, guys!
You handsome-up the blog BIG time.
Wow, does Blue have a blog? I would love to know more about his search and rescue! What organization does certification for this type of work?
I'd love to more about the search and rescue too!
Here's the link to the Search and Rescue organization:
I would LOVE to see a video of the harness-carrying by Blue.