This is Lola. She singlehandedly got her mom Julianne “thrown face first into crazy dog world.”

“Lola is my first Corgi, and the Corgi that made me fall head over heels for the breed. I already have a (now ten year old) Australian Cattle Dog so we knew could handle a herding dog — they are the best group of course ;-)”
“I discovered hiking, dog parks, agility — everything with this dog. She will be four on June 28th of this year. I got her at eight weeks old and we are very much attached to one another. She is my “birthday” dog (June 25th) and my best friend. Lola has one blue eye, which of course is a “fault” in Pembrokes, but I actually was more drawn to her BECAUSE of it.”
“She is okay at agility, better at jumps but scared of the closed tunnels and see-saw, so my dreams of competing with her won’t be realized. Because she truly loves all people, however, Lola was a great candidate for therapy work. She received her AKC Canine Good Citizen award in September 2008 at Responsible Dog Ownership Day in New York City. Despite the crazy city atmosphere she performed wonderfully!”
“In October 2008 Lola was certified through TheraPet, Inc., a therapy dog group that works throughout central Jersey. We’ve logged many hours at a local nursing home as well as a few Saturdays spent at our township libraries where the kids sit down and read to the dogs! Lola especially loves that. What she loves even more, however, is be hiking. We go off-leash hiking at Merril Creek Resevoir in New Jersey. Of course the dogs are supposed to be leashed, but Lola doesn’t approach anyone unless allowed … so it’s technically like she’s on an invisible retractable leash.”
Lola’s the ideal fetch dog — she’ll ‘drop it’ exactly where you want it, and she LOVES swimming!
Here she is dog paddling with little “sister” Lily.
“Of course I couldn’t have just ONE Corgi, so in March 2009 we added 12 week-old Lily to the picture! Lily, my “heart dog”, was a year-old in January and recently began agility classes. She is a bit of a natural. I tried her out on some of my basic backyard equipment this summer and she loves the closed tunnel. It’s like being under the bed sheets — her favorite thing.”
“It looks as though she may be my competing dog for agility. Lily is AKC registered (January’s Lily of the Valley). She is extremely quirky, hilarious and enjoys her chewing. Lily gets into a bit more trouble than Lola. She has very unique facial markings; her two-tone face is what initially drew me to her. Lily is still so tiny, we’re wondering if she’ll grow more or not!”
I’m the big dog on the big mountain!
“This Summer we took her on her first off-leash hike and she did very well. She dove literally face first into the water and didn’t stop. Lily’s the definition of fearless and pesky little sister, ALWAYS following Lola around (much to Lola’s annoyance) and always wants to play (again, much to Lola’s frequent annoyance).”
“The two of them often sleep in my twin-sized bed with me.”
“These Corgis are a wonderful pair. The three of us are driving up to western Massachusetts in June for Unleashed!, an off-leash dog camp for a long weekend.”
“I expect we’ll be bonding over lots of hiking. Driving the long hours by myself doesn’t sound like fun, but at least I’ll have my Corgi girls there to keep me company.”
They are also on facebook!
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Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Lola & Lily!
You guys are a delightful duo.
Lola and Lily are SO CUTE!! I've never seen another pembroke with two different colored eyes, like my pem, Finley! I have tried to find information about it, but there's not much out there. Very interesting!